Supported by NSF Grant DMS-1044150

Location & Dates: University of California, Irvine   July 8 -- July 19, 2013

Organizer: Martin Zeman (Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine)

Instructors: Nam Trang (Berkeley), Trevor Wilson (Irvine), Martin Zeman (Irvine). Additional lecture will be given by Sandra Uhlenbrock (Muenster).

PROGRAM: This summer school will build on the Summer School in Set Theory 2012 and focus on advanced topics. It is expected that you are familiar with the paper J.R.Steel: Outline of inner model theory in Handbook of Set Theory. The lectures are as follows:

Trang: Analysis of HOD in L[x,G].
Wilson: The derived model theorem.
Uhlenbrock: Producing Mn from projective determinancy. 
Zeman: The projective level of the core model induction.

LOGISTICS INFO:  Those who have requested accommodation on campus will stay in the building Shadowfax in Middle Earth (where the green arrow is; ignore the sigh "A" on the red background). Check-in is on Sunday July 7, 2013 during the hours 10am -- 8pm in the office building Arkenstone (green arrow again) in Gandalf's Courtyard. You will get the keys to your building and rooms, and also the meal card and parking permits (those who requested). If you are unable to check in during these hours please let me know asap, so that I can make appropriate arrangement with the housing office. (Otherwise you will end up standing in front of the locked office!) If you get lost in Middle Earth you may also try to use the directory (green arrow, as usual). Check-out is on Saturday, July 20, during the hours 8am -- 4pm.  

ACTIVITIES: All activities will be held in Rowland Hall (see also here), room RH 306 (third floor).

Here is the rough daily schedule of activities:

09:00 - 10:30  Lecture
10:30 - 11:00  Break
11:00 - 12:30  Problem session

12:30 - 02:00  Lunch break

02:00 - 03:30  Lecture
03:30 - 04:00  Break
04:00 - 05:30  Problem session


                 Morning        Afternoon  
July 08        Trang               Wilson  
July 09        Trang               Wilson
July 10        Trang               Wilson
July 11        Trang               Wilson 
July 12        Uhlenbrock      Wilson  

July 15         Trang               Wilson  
July 16         Trang               Wilson 
July 17         Zeman              Zeman
July 18         Zeman              Zeman
July 19         Zeman              Zeman

Atmai, Rachid (University of North Texas, Denton)
Chan, William (California Institute of Technology)
Chen, William (University of California, Los Angeles) 
Dance, Cody (University of North Texas, Denton)
Davis, Jacob (Carnegie Mellon University)
Eskew, Monroe (University of California, Irvine)
Forero, Andres (University of California, Irvine)
Hachtman, Sherwood (University of California, Los Angeles)
Ikegami, Daisuke (University of California, Berkeley)
Rodriguez, Daniel (Carnegie Mellon University)
Uhlenbrock, Sandra (Muenster University, Germany)

LOCAL PLACES TO GO/DINING:  There are student cafeterias on campus: One in the Middle Earth area, two on the inner circle near Aldrich parks: this one and this one. More dining services as well as a pub is in the Student Center. If you want to have more choice, there are restaurants/pubs/grocery store/coffee shop in the University Center complex, which is about 10-15 min walking from Rowland Hall.


Last Update: July 24, 2013