Math 105A Discussion 44401

Main course webpage and Lab course webpage.
Piazza Page for discussing Math 105A. Sign up for Piazza here.
If you have any trouble signing up, please let me know either by email or in class/office hours!

Please use my email - I use it exclusively for TA-ing to respond faster :)

Office Hours
Held in RH410V. I will hold office hours on:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-3:00pm.

Exam Date Reminders and Materials
Midterm Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2017 1:00pm - 1:50pm in class. *Note it's only 1 hour long*
Final Exam: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 1:00pm - 2:50pm (in class?).

General Rule of Thumb for Studying: Start early. Make sure you know definitions/theorems and methods (e.g. pseudocodes) to solve problems.

For the Midterm: Sample Problems aligned with Midterm Content. I will not post solutions to those, but would happily guide you through any on Piazza. Remember that you can do everything in Piazza Anonymously! (If you want to withhold your identity, that is).
Here are the Midterm Solutions.

For the Final: Don't forget about the midterm material so review those. Reminder that you first want to make sure you are comfortable with the homework and quiz problems (though, they're 95% from the homework). Make sure you know Definitions, Theorems, and general algorithms as well.
Practice Exercises for Material After Midterm.

Notes and Resources
*0. Things not to do as a student. The author calls it a list of "badvice."

1. UCI Matlab Download.

2. Academic Honesty. Know that you are really cheating yourself if you do so. (Updated).

Quizzes and Homeworks
Quizzes are every Monday and Friday based on Homework Problems. Except Quiz 4 is on a Wednesday...
The next Quiz (#7) is on 7.3 (Homework 7) on Monday and the last quiz (#8) is on Homework 8,9 on Friday.

Quiz Solutions:
Quiz 1 Solutions, from 2.1.14 and 2.2.7.
Quiz 2 Solutions, based on 2.3.1,3a and 2.4.7a,10.
Quiz 3 Solutions, based on 2.5.17 and 6.1.9.
Quiz 4 Solutions, based on 6.2.5,31 and 6.3.5b,9c.
Quiz 5 Solutions, based on 6.4-6.6. It had a bit of everything.
Note: For Quiz 5, in #1, since we find out it's Positive Definite, #2 should not, and does not, need swapping. (P = I)
Quiz 6 Solutions, based on 7.1.2 and 7.2.5/9, 14.
Quiz 7 Solutions, based on 7.3.11,13, and lecture/discussion. The part (b)'s were intended to be new questions different from the homework, hence they were weighted small.
Quiz 8 Solutions, based on 9.2.14(and 13 from discussion), 9.5.7. Part 1(b) was something I suggested you try to find during discussion on Wednesday.

Any Matlab Codes
Certain codes I'll add onto here, if any.
For example, here's a code (from when I took this class) on finding an interval to use the Bisection Method on, findbracket.m.

Bisetion Codes: bisection.m, bisection_table.m.
**The following codes have been removed for academic integrity for future classes:**
(If you would like to see or need any such codes, please email me).
Steffensen Codes: steffensen.m, steffensen_table.m.
Fixed Point and Newton Codes: newton.m, fixedpoint.m, and also a mix of newton and bisection like we discussed similar to false position, newtonbisection_table.m.
Versions of Gaussian Elimination: Partial Pivoting, and Scaled Pivoting. And the inverse.
Shifted QR Method: wilkinsonQR.m. The unshifted one is also in the code but commented out, it's called "Vanilla QR Algorithm." - Updated to use Matlab's QR factorization, "qr".
(If you'd like to see, or need, Jacobi, Gauss Seidel, and SOR codes please email me and I can send it to you).

*Disclaimer*: The codes may not be exactly what you had to do or use for your programming assignments. But, they are codes that are essentially the same things.

(Dis page last updated: 8/3/2017)
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