Combinatorial computation of moduli dimension of Nielsen classes of covers

There have now been many attempts to use Riemann's existence theorem to organize both the lattice of subfields and the algebraic extensions of C(x). This exposition describes one that analyzes ground covered sporadically by Zariski.

Example problem – rough phrasing: For each nonnegative integer g describe explicitly all of the ways the function field of the generic curve of genus g contains C(x) (Section 1). Specifically, give the dimension of the range ( moduli dimension) of a Hurwitz family in the moduli space of appropriate genus. Section 2.2 contains a discussion of the genus zero problem, new at the time of the paper. This paper narrows to where g> 1 and the containment of fields gives a solvable Galois closure.

This alone illustrates Zariski's most definitive conjecture touching on this is wrong (Section 2.3). This is how the Galois closure group ring gives info on endomorphisms of the Jacobian, a topic which an example of John Ries anticipates, (though we beat him into print). By 2001 the genus 0 problem was completed in zero characteristic and was rapidly advancing in positive characteristic, with significant applications, though Guralnick's conjecture, based on his papers with co-writers and those of Abhyankar (see  Prelude to the 1999 MSRI Semester volume   and to my 1999 Schinzel volume paper.

This paper, however,  concentrates on higher monodromy. This has many recent applications only slightly anticipated in this paper. Theorem 3.5 presents the fundamental group Π1(X) and 1st homology H1(X,Z) of a Riemann surface X appearing as a (not necessarily Galois – the interesting case for this problem) cover of the sphere in terms of branch cycles for the cover. This gives an explicit action of the Hurwitz monodromy group Hr on H1(X,Z) where r is the number of branch points of the cover. Section 3 interprets the dimension of the image of deformations of the cover in the moduli space of curves of appropriate genus g from this group action. Increasing application to specific Hurwitz spaces, and Modular Towers over them, requires improved computations within this approach at monodromy action (as in §5 and §6 in "Alternating Groups and Moduli Space Invariants")