Integral Specialization of families of rational functions

The Hilbert-Siegel problem:
This to determine the indecomposable polynomials h(x) \in Q[x] for which h(x)-z is reducible (in Q[x]) for an infinite number of z in Z \ {h(Q) ∩ Z}.  Call this having o-value reducibility (o standing for "outside"). This paper shows there exists  a family of polynomials of degree 5, having o-value reducibility. This completes the results in Thm. 2.6 of Variables separated polynomials and Moduli Spaces which showed the only possible example would be where the degree is 5 . The last paper also contains definitive results for other number fields, variation of other coefficients, and comments on P. Mueller's generalization replacing h(x)-z=0 by any genus 0 equation.

Ingredients of the Proof: The complete reduction of the problem has many steps. One essential is results about the possible monodromy groups of such polynomials h that used the classification of finite simple groups. We use Hurwitz spaces to study the families of polynomials that could be exceptions.  The first business is to show explicitly that the corresponding Hurwitz spaces are uni-rational varieties. Then, the paper locates rational points on these spaces that would produce the exceptional degree 5 polynomials. It is a piece of lucky arithmetic, requiring a delicate calculation to find the required points.

General Context and Other Results: We also gives the problem a general context by considering rational functions (Siegel version) that could possibly have this property and by dropping the limitation that z is in a fractional ideal  (Néron version). Certain geometric conditions must be satisfied for either. We give a large set of Hurwitz families that could contain members that satisfy the Siegel or Néron versions of the problem. These examples challenge how to draw arithmetic conclusions akin to this paper's about curves in a Hurwitz family without depending on  effectively parametrizing the families.