Moduli of relatively nilpotent extensions:
RIMS Publications, Paper on three lectures at RIMS, October 2001

p-Frattini-cov.html is a short exposition on the motivation for the universal p-Frattini cover of a finite group G. We suggest visiting that first.

§2 of this paper includes the explicit (and general) construction of the first Frattini module that defines the universal p-Frattini cover of G. §I outlines the most precise available description of the p-Frattini module for any p-perfect finite group G=G0 (Thm. 2.8), and therefore of the groups Gk,ab, k ≥ 0, from which we form the abelianized M(odular) T(ower). §II points to the difficulties in being explicit, and to examples where it has been done.

§4 of the paper includes a classification of Schur multiplier – Z/p – quotients. §III reviews that. One type from that   classification stands out: Schur quotients that are antecedent. The special case of Spin covers of the alternating group, shows how one (tiny; Z/2) cover of an alternating group plays a mighty role in the history of mathematics. Further, as an antecedent, it keeps reappearing in any tower once it appears in a low level.

§IV reviews later developments, from which we figure two points related to Braid orbits:

  1. Whether there is a non-empty MT over a given Hurwitz space component at level 0; and
  2. whether all cusps above a given level 0 o-p' cusp are p-cusps.
The diophantine discussions of §5 remind how Demjanenko-Manin worked on modular curve towers, to contrast why we still need Falting's Thm. to conclude the Main MT conjecture when the p-Frattini module has dimension exceeding 1 (G0 is not p-super singular).

§V enhances this with comments on the motivic pieces of abelian varieties that appear in MTs. It appears from this that unless those motivic pieces have dimension 1, a Demjanenko-Manin approach won't work to conclude rational points disappear at high levels.

I.  The characteristic p-Frattini module, M0=MG,0 of G, a group of order divisible by a prime p:

Background for the statements made here can be found in [FrJ, Chap. 21] on the universal Frattini cover of any profinite group. The Frattini subgroup, Φ(G) of G has an abstract definition as the intersection of all maximal proper subgroups. For, however, a (pro-)p group P, it is the (closed) subgroup generated by commutators, aba-1b-1,  and pth powers ap, a, bP.

I.1. The p-group case: Let P be a p-Sylow of G, and MP,0 is the characteristic p-Frattini module of P. A brief explanation of a section in the paper explains MP,0 this way. Let P* be a pro-free group of the same rank, rkP as P. Denote by ψP: P* P  a corresponding surjective homomorphism.

Then, the kernel, ker(ψP), of ψP is also pro-free. Its rank, by the Schreier Thm., is rkP,0=|P|(rkP – 1)+ 1. This is also the rank of MP,0=ker(ψP)/Φ(ker(ψP)), which is a Z/p[P] module. Then, G1(P)=P*/Φ(ker(ψP)) is the universal exponent p extension of P. It has the natural cover ψP,0: G1(P) → P.

I.2. The general finite group case: Let NP be the normalizer in G of P. Then,  consider the module induced from MP,0 in going from NP to G,  IndNPG (MP,0). Thm. 2.8 identifies MG,0 as the summand whose restriction to P contains MP,0 as a summand.

Recall the main properties of MG,0:
Given a clear understanding of P, this construction gives a handle on MG,0, reasonably putting bounds on its rank.

I.3. Refining the construction of MG,0: For each p-Sylow P, we have defined G1(P) → P ≤ G. Further, we can pull P back in G1(G)=G1, to get ψG,0-1(P) covering P. Applying the universal extension property of §I.2 then induces an injection α: MP,0MG,0.

More generally, any conjugation by gG will map P to gPg-1, and induce another map αg: MP,0MG,0. (Similarly, by an outer automorphism of G.) In the construction of §I.2, it often occurs that a subgroup of G, NPh,  properly larger than NP, acts to preserve MP,0. §II gives examples where the next lemma applies to precisely identify MG,0.

Lemma: The images of {αg}gG generate MG,0. Define NPh to be those gG with the same image as α.   If we replace NP in IndNPG (MP,0) by NPh, the induced module  gives precisely the module MP,0

II. Examples of p-Frattini modules:

III. Z/p quotients of Schur multipliers and their antecedents:

IV. Components and cusps:

V. Why there is yet no replacement for using Falting's Thm. in the Main Modular Tower Conjecture: