Math 13 - Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (Winter '24)


Course Notes (pdf) (html) (source) --- to the end of term!

If you want to learn how to typeset mathematics (and thus the first step in how the notes were made), you can find a short guide here. If you're a veteran, feel free to muck with the source code for the notes.

The full syllabus, exercise solutions, class policies, assessment dates and gradebook are within Canvas for enrolled students only.

Old Notes (pdf) (html) --- for reference only

The notes are being streamlined and tided this term (all done!). In case you want to look ahead or would like more reading/exercises, this is the most recent version of the full textbook from Fall '23. This version is provided subject to student acceptance of two caveats:
  1. By the end of term, section titles, numbering, ordering and content in the new notes (top of the page) will have significant differences.
  2. Homework questions are assigned from the new version NOT the old.