Twisted K-theory and moduli spaces


Prof. C. Teleman


Cambridge University


Thursday, December 11, 2003 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

The notion of topological field theory has stymied topologists partly because it assigns to spaces quantities that are multiplicative under disjoint union; traditional homological or homotopical constructions are additive. In this talk I will survey how the use of an old "multiplicative" object in topology ("the spectrum of
units" in the class of vector spaces) leads to a successful formulation of a simple (but non-trivial) 2-dimensional field theory (the "Verlinde ring" and its deformations) and to new topological results about the moduli space of vector bundles on a Riemann surface. This is based on joint work with Freed-Hopkins and with Woodward.

Regularization of differential equations


Prof. David Nualart


Spain Academician, visiting Kansas University


Thursday, November 6, 2003 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

In this talk, he will discuss the regularization effect of the noise in ordinary and partial differential equations. The main results are the existence and uniqueness of strong solutions for nonlinear equations when the drift coefficient is not Lipschitz. The proofs of these results are based on the Girsanov transformation of measure. Some recent regularization results by fractional noise will be also presented.

The semiclassical focusing nonlinear Schroedinger equation


Prof. S. Venakides




Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The NLS equation describes solitonic transmission in
fiber optic communication and is generically encountered in propagation through nonlinear media. One of its most important aspects is its modulational instability: regular wavetrains are unstable to modulation and break up to more complicated structures.

The IVP for the NLS equation is solvable by the method of inverse scattering. The initial spectral data of the Zakharov Shabhat (ZS) operator, a particular linear operator having the solution to NLS as the potential, are calculated from the initial data of the NLS; they evolve in a simple way as a result of the integrability of the problem, and produce the solution through the inverse spectral transformation.

In collaboration with A. Tovbis, we have developed
a one parameter family of initial data for which the derivation of the spectral data is explicit. Then, in collaboration with A. Tovbis and X. Zhou, we have obtained the following results:

1) We prove the existence and basic properties of the
first breaking curve (curve in space-time above which the character
of the solution changes by the emergence of a new
oscillatory phase) and show that for pure radiation
no further breaks occur.

2) We construct the solution beyond the first break-time.

3) We derive a rigorous estimate of the error.

4) We derive rigorous asymptotics for the large
time behavior of the system in the pure radiation case.


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