Project: Fast Multipole Methods

The purpose of this project is to implement the tree code and fast multipole methods for the N-body summation problem. Given $\boldsymbol x = (x_j)\in \mathbb R^N, \boldsymbol y = (y_i)\in \mathbb R^N$, let

$$A_{i,j} = \frac{1}{\|x_j - y_i\|^2}.$$

For a given vector $\boldsymbol q \in \mathbb R^N$, we will compute the matrix-vector product

$$\boldsymbol u = A \boldsymbol q$$

in $\mathcal O(N\log N)$ and $\mathcal O(N)$ operations.


Fast Multipole Methods

Step 1: Direct Sum

Generate two random vectors x, y with length N. Although the direct sum can be implemented in the double for loops, in MATLAB, it is better to generate the matrix first and then compute the matrix-vector product for another random vector q.

  • Use double for loops to generate the matrix A
  • Use vector product to generat A in one line

Step 2: Compute the weight

  • Loop over cells for i=1:N to compute the weight

  • Try to remove the for loop using vectorization.

The loop over levels is small (only $log N$ times) and thus can be kept. To store the weight in different levels, use cell structure.

Step 3: Evaluation procedure

  • Find the interaction list.
  • Loop over each cell in a given level and compute the far field in the interaction list.
  • In the fines level, add the near field by direct sum or matrix-vector product using a small matrix.

Step 4: Test

  • Choose small N and J = 1. Make sure the code works for one level (only four intervals) first by comparing the result using tree algorithm with the result in Step 1.

  • Test the performance for different N and plot the CPU time vs N for both direct method and your tree code.

Step 5 (optional): Fast Multipole Methods

Modify the tree code to fast multipole methods.

  • Compute the weight by restriction from the fine grid to coarse grid.

  • Implement the M2L: multipole expansion to local expansion

  • Change the evaluation of far field in the interaction list to the merge of coefficients b in the local expansion.

  • Translate the local expansion using the prolongation operator.

  • Evaluate in the finest level.

  • Plot the CPU time vs N to confirm the O(N) complexity.