Math 9: Getting Started

Installing Python and Jupyter

We will be using Python 3 (more specifially Python 3.5). The differences between 3.5 and 2.7 are small, but the ecosystem has largely moved on to 3.5.

The best way to install Python is to install Anaconda:

We will do most of our work in Jupyter notebooks:

Not necessary for this course but: I greatly recommend using some form of Unix in your daily progamming life. This can be Ubuntu Linux, MacOS X (the terminal app in Applications/Utiliries), or Bash on Windows. Please look at some unix command line tutorial guides/videos to get started with this.

Once you are able to run python scripts by calling


in the command line/terminal and you are able to start Jupyter by calling:

jupyter notebook

And in your jupyter notebook, you can run:

import numpy
import scipy
import matplotlib

You are good to go! If at any point, you need to install additional packages: you will need to call, in the command line:

conda install <nameofthepackageyouwant>

At the lab

Your TA Eric will send you instructions about how to get set up with Python 3.5 at the lab.