
Mihran Papikian


The number of rational points on Drinfeld modular varieties over finite fields


Drinfeld and Vladut proved that Drinfeld modular curves have many rational points over the quadratic extensions of finite fields compared to their genera; see [VD] and [MV]. We propose a conjectural generalization of this result to the higher dimensional Drinfeld modular varieties [D]. Using some deep results of Harder and Laumon, we prove a theorem which provides evidence for the conjecture. 


  • [D]: V. Drinfeld, Elliptic modules, Math. Sbornik 94 (1974), 594-627.
  • [MV]: Yu. Manin and S. Vladut, Linear codes and modular curves, J. Sov. Math. 30 (1985), 2611-2643.
  • [VD]: S. Vladut and V. Drinfeld, The number of points of an algebraic curve, Funct. Anal. Appl. 17 (1983), 53-54.