Monday: Morning--Conference Commencement, Afternoon--Diophantine Geometry

10AM-10:30: Introduction to how the project will join group theory, arithmetic and moduli spaces; structure of conference surveys.

10:35-11:25: Pierre Debes, pdebes02-26-06surv.pdf, A Brief introduction to modular towers

11:25-1:00: Break for assuring rooms are in order and Lunch

1:00-2:00: Hidekazu Furusho, hfurusho02-09-06abst.html, Motivic Iterated Integrals in Generic Positions

2:05-3:05: Mihan Papikian, papikian02-17-06abst.html, The number of rational points on Drinfeld modular varieties over finite fields

3:05-3:35: Coffee break

3:35-4:35: Stefan Wewers, swewers02-13-06abst.pdf, Siegel's theorem and the Chabauty-Kim method

4:40-5:25: Aji Dhillon, adhillon03-09-06abst.pdf, A Motivic Chebotarev Density Theorem

6:00: Dinner

Tuesday: Morning--Abelian Varieties, Afternoon--Related moduli spaces

9:00-9:50: Ken Ribet, kribet03-14-06.pdf, An introduction to Serre's work on Galois groups attached to division points on elliptic curves over number fields

9:55-10:55: Yuri Zarhin, yzarhin02-23-06abst.pdf, Families of Superelliptic Jacobians and Isogeny Classes

10:55-11:10: Morning Coffee

11:10-12:10: A Brumer, abrumer03-06-06abst.pdf, l-Division Fields and the Conductor of Semistable Abelian Varieties

12:10-1:10: Lunch

1:10-2:10: Alina Cojocaru, acojocaru03-15-06abst.html, Effective versions of Serre's theorem for elliptic curves

2:15-3:15: Anna Cadoret, acadoret02-27-06surv.pdf, Hurwitz spaces and modular towers 

3:15-3:45: Coffee break

3:45-4:45: Adrian Vasiu, avasiu02-27-06abst.html, N´eron models, purity, and Shimura varieties

6:00: Dinner

Wednesday: Start of Group theory connection to moduli spaces

9:00-10:00:  Darren Semmen, dsemmen03-08-06abst.html, Obstruction in modular towers

10:05-10:55: Mike Fried, mfried03-04-06surv.html, A meaning for the phrase "Profinite Arithmetic Geometry"

10:55-11:10: Morning Coffee

11:10-12:00: Anna Cadoret, acadoret02-27-06abst.pdf, Modular Towers and Torsion on Abelian Varieties

12:00-7:00: Lunch and Excursion, more details later 03/14/06

7:00: Dinner

Thursday: Morning-Modular Towers and the Inverse Galois Problem, Afternoon-Cohomological algebra

9:00-10:00: Pierre Debes, pdebes02-26-06abst.pdf, l-adic points on Hurwitz towers 

10:05-11:05: Michel Emsalem, memsalem03-06-06abst.pdf, Towers of Harbater-Mumford Components

11:05-11:20: Morning Coffee

11:20-12:05: Kimura, kkimura02-28-06abst.pdf, Towers of Coarse Moduli Spaces

12:05-1:05: Lunch

1:05-2:05: Thomas Weigel, tweigel01-25-06abst.pdf, Generalized Fuchsian Groups and the p-Reduction Theory of Elements of Hurwitz Spaces

2:10-3:10: Ido Efrat, iefrat02-25-06abst.html, Detection of valuations using generalized K-theory

3:10-3:40: Coffee Break

3:40-4:25: Andy Schultz, aschultz03-01-06abst.pdf, Galois Module Structure of Galois Cohomology

4:30-5:15: Grace Lyo, glyo03-03-06abst.pdf, Stability Conjectures in K-Theory and Modules over Semisimple Skew Group Rings

6:00: Dinner

Friday: Some Program Goals

9:00-10:00: Ken Ribet, kribet03-14-06.pdf, Mod p Galois representations attached to modular forms

10:05-11:05: Michael Fried, mfried01-22-06abst.html, Three modular curve-like properties of Modular Towers (MTs)

11:05-11:20: Morning Coffee

11:20-12:05:  Reza Akbarpur, rakbarpur03-30-06abst.pdf, PAC Fields, Hilbertian Fields and Fried-Völklein Conjecture

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1:05-2:05: Fedor Bogomolov, fbogomolov02-27-06abst.html, Stable cohomology of groups and algebraic varieties

2:10-3:05: Jared Weinstein, jweinstein03-09-06abst.pdf, Galois Representations with Prescribed Ramification

3:30-4:30: Trip to Hampton Inn

6:00: Conference buffet at Mike Fried's House in Billings