Monday, October 23, Variation of curves, and Mapping Class Groups
9:50-10:00 Hiroaki Nakamura Opening Words on this RIMS conference in Profinite Arithmetic Geometry
10:00-11:00 Ram Abhyankar ram@cs.purdue.edu Simultaneous Surface Resolution
11:15-12:15 Gerhard Frey frey@exp-math.uni_essen.de Curves of genus 2 with elliptic differentials and associated Hurwitz spaces
12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Makoto Matsumoto m_mat@math.sci.hiroshima_u.ac.jp Malcev completions of arithmetic mapping class groups
15:00-15:45 Tea
15:45-16:45 Yuichiro Hoshi yuichiro@kurims.kyoto_u.ac.jp Cuspidalizations of fundamental groups of configuration spaces
17:00-18:00 Michael Dettweiler Michael.Dettweiler@iwr.uni_heidelberg.de Motives with Galois group G2

Tuesday, October 24, Cohomology, Profinite Geometry of Modular Towers, and general Hurwitz Spaces
10:00-11:00 Jan Minác minac@uwo.ca Galois cohomology, quotients of absolute Galois groups, and a little modular representation theory
11:15-12:15 Darren Semmen dsemmen@gmail.com Duality groups and modular towers
12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Thomas Weigel thomas.weigel@unimib.it Class field theory and modular towers
15:00-15:45 Tea
15:45-16:45 Stefan Wewers wewers@mpim_bonn.mpg.de Indigenous bundles, deformation data and Hurwitz curves with bad reduction
17:00-18:00 Kinya Kimura Kinnyakim@aol.com Modular towers of moduli stacks

Wednesday, October 25, Uses for Harbater Patching
10:00-11:00 Pierre Dèbes pde@ccr.jussieu.fr l-adic aspects of the Modular Tower program
11:15-12:15 David Harbater harbater@math.upenn.edu On Function Fields with Free Absolute Galois Groups
Free Afternoon

Thursday, October 26, M(odular)T(owers)/R(eg)I(nv)G(alois)P(rob)/S(trong)T(ors)C(onj) Connections, and Global Function Fields
10:00-11:00 Michel Emsalem emsalem@math.univ-lille1.fr l_adic Points on a Modular Tower
11:15-12:15 Anna Cadoret cadoret@math.jussieu.fr Arithmetic properties of Moduli spaces for p etale G covers and torsion on abelian varieties
12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Mike Fried mfri4@aol.com Pure_cycle Nielsen classes and testing the Main Modular Tower Conjecture
15:00-15:45 Tea
15:45-16:45 Yasutaka Ihara ihara@mtb.biglobe.ne.jp On Euler_Kronecker invariants of global fields
17:00-18:00 Michael Tsfasman tsfasman@iitp.ru Infinite global fields and their zeta_functions
Banquet and a tribute to the Conference

Friday, October 27, Anabelian Geometry Part I and Abelian Varieties
10:00-11:00 Florian Pop pop@math.upenn.edu Meta_abelian anabelian geometry over algebraically closed base fields
11:15-12:15 Jacob Stix stix@math.uni-bonn.de Exploration of anabelian varieties in higher dimension
12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Yuri Zarhin zarhin@math.psu.edu Abelian varieties without homotheties
15:00-15:45 Tea
15:45-16:45 Tamas Szamuely szamuely@renyi.hu Local_global principles for semiabelian varieties
17:00-18:00 Jared Weinstein jared@Math.Berkeley.EDU Galois representations with prescribed ramification

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