Mathematics Graduate Student Colloquium

Coding Theory and Toric Geometry

Josh Whitney
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
RH 440R

Talk Abstract:

We will begin by giving a very brief introduction to coding theory and toric varieties in general. In particular we will discuss toric codes which are obtained from evaluating certain polynomials at points of a torus. We will also examine the interesting combinatorial and algebro-geometric questions these codes provide and possible methods for estimating their associated parameters. The talk will be accessible to everyone: no prior algebraic geometry is required.

About the Speaker:

Josh Whitney is a fifth year math grad at UCI. Josh got his BS from Arizona State. He once performed yoyo tricks on the JumboTron at an Arizona Diamondbacks game.

Advisor and Collaborators

Vladimir Baranovsky is Josh's advisor.

Supplementary Materials:



Pizza will be served after the talk.

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