BOOK: James Stewart: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th Edition/8th UCI Custom Edition
I believe there is not much difference between the 8th edition and the earlier editions, so if you have some earlier edition that should be fine. However, the exercises and homeworks that will be assigned will refer to numbering in the 8th edition. Since it may happen that the numbering of problems/exercises in the 8th edition differs from that in earlier editions, please make sure you work on the right problems/exercises if you are using some earlier edition. No credit will be given for turning in unassigned problems/exercise, even if this was caused by differences in numbering of problems/exercises in the 8th and earlier editions.

IMPORTANT ISSUES AND EMERGENCIES: In case of emergency or any important issue the instructor should be notified as soon as possible. If you realize that some issue is developing, do not wait till it gets worse but discuss the situation with the instructor early enough, as this will signigicantly help to deal with the situation.

ATTENDANCE:  Attendance of both lectures and discussions is not required, but strongly encouraged. However, it is the student's responsibility to attend the discussions when quizzes are given. Skipping a quiz will result in loss of credit for that quiz. It is the student's responsibility to keep informed of any announcements, syllabus adjustments or policy changes made during scheduled classes.

EXCEPTIONS: It is everyone's responsibility to show up for exams and quizzes. Failure to show up at the exam/quiz will result in loss of credit for that exam/quiz. The only exception is a verifiable emergency. If you know in advance that you will have time conflict with the scheduled exams for justified reasons, please contact the instructor as soon as possible to discuss how to accommodate you.

EXAM RULES: The exams/quizzes are "closed book": No books or notes are allowed to be used during exams and quizzes. Additionally, no electronic devices of any kind are allowed to be used during the exams. All electronic devices must be turned off and placed in closed bags. A picture ID is required and must be presented on request.

EXAMS:  There will be two midterms and one final. The dates are as follows.
               MIDTERM 1:   Monday, February 5 (WEEK 5) during the lecture time.
               MIDTERM 2:   Friday, March 2 (WEEK 8) during the lecture time.
                FINAL:  Monday, March 19, 8:00-10:00am (See WEBSOC) 
Please make sure now that you are able to participate on exams. Exceptions and make-ups will be allowed only in the case of fully documented personal emergencies.   
Problems on exams will be close to homework and quizz problems. They will be designed to test if you understand the basic notions and methods. In particular, they will not be tricky.  

RECOMMENDED PRACTICE PROBLEMS: These are not to be turned in. They are meant to be just recommended exercises to further foster your skills.

HOMEWORKS:  Homeworks will be assigned roughly once a week. They will be posted on the main course website under ``HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS". Each homework assignment will have a specified due date.
Rules for homeworks:
     (1) You can work either alone or in a group of two, it is your choice. You should not switch between working alone and working in a group of two during the quarter, so think of advantages and drawbacks of either option before you make a choice.
     (2) If you decide to form a group of two then each such group should turn in only one paper with both names and student id numbers on it. In this case you will get the same score for the homework.
     (3) Each homework assignment will consist of 4-5 problems. After the assignments are turned in, we will chose two problems that will be graded. (Sorry, but we do not have a grader, so it is practically impossible to grade all problems.) The scores on these two problems will contribute to the total score in the course, and thereby to the final grade in the course.

QUIZZES:  There will be about 6 quizzes. These will be given during discussions. Problems on quizzes will be close to those discussed in lectures and discussions, and to those which are recommended practice problems and homework problems. Therefore it is helpful to work on recommended practice problems, even though this work will not result in any direct credit given.
Added on January 17, 2018: Quizzes will be given typically on Thursdays. The material on quizzes will cover everything done in the discussions up to the Tuesday the same week, including. In the case of exceptions, students will be notified accordingly.

FINAL GRADE:  The final grade will be determined based on the final, midterms, homeworks, and quizzes. These factors will have the following weights:
FINAL: 35%    MIDTERMS: 20% each    HOMEWORKS: 10%    QUIZZES: 15%   
The lowest Quiz and the lowest Homework will be dropped.
The final grade will be calculated on a curve based on the points earned during the quarter. The curve is determined as follows:
   * Cutoff point for D: Mean value  minus  standard deviation. (That is, to earn at least D you need to get at least this value.)
   * Cutoff point for A: Mean value plus standard deviation. (That is, to earn at least A you need to get at least this value.)
   * The interval between the two cutoff points will be divided into equal intervals to determine the remaining grades. Note that there are 9 such intervals, corresponding to grades D+,C-,C,C+,B-,B,B+,A- and A.

NO EXTRA CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN: everyone will be evaluated based on equal criteria. 

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students are responsible for informing themselves of UCI's policies regarding academic dishonesty. Students found in violation of the code are subject to penalties ranging from loss of credit for work involved to F-grade in the course, and possible risk of suspension or probation. The academic dishonesty policy will be enforced in all areas of the course, including quizzes and exams. For details see: Academic Integrity