Math 120B (44720) - Fall 2018

Rings and Fields

Lecturer Dr. Neil Donaldson
Office RH 472
Office Hours MW 12-14:00
Lecture Times MWF 11-11:50 RH 114

Teaching Assistant Ching-heng Chiu
Discussion Times TuTh 8-8:50 SSPA 1165
Office/Hours RH 540W/TuTh 9-10:30

Course Text and Syllabus We will cover most of parts IV--VI of A First Course in Abstract Algebra, John B. Fraleigh, 7th Ed, Addison Wesley.
The book is not required --- homework questions and (sketchy) notes will be typed and posted on the homework page.
For a more detailed syllabus including sections covered per day and assessments click here

Assessment The final grade for the course will be tentatively be computed as follows: 45% Final Exam, 25% Midterm, 20% Quizzes, 10% Homework Add/Drop & Enrollment Questions

In Mathematics classes, decisions pertaining to wait-lists, adds, drops, and pass/no-pass changes are NOT made by Instructors. Refer here for information on how to navigate the system. Essentially you have til the end of week 2 to complete all adds, drops and grade changes, all of which is done online.

Class Policies + Grading
Academic Honesty Both the Math department and UCI take a dim view of dishonest behavior with regards to assessments: submitting another's work as your own, copying during exams, bringing notes to exams, etc. Harsh penalties are in place for students who are caught; depending on the seriousness you may be given an F for the assessment, for the class as a whole, or even suspended from the University.

Other resources While office hours and discussion sessions will hopefully be enough to get you through the course, other resources are available. In particular,