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- 25. X. Li and Q. Nie. Surface Diffusion on Stressed Solid Surface. Communications in Computational Physics, Accepted, 2006.
- 24. Q. Nie, Y. Zhang and R. Zhao. Efficient Semi-implicit Schemes for Stiff Systems. Journal of
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- 23. A. Lander, Q. Nie and F. Wan. Internalization and End Flux in Morphogen Gradient Formation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 190(1-2), pp 232-251, 2006.
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- 20. Y. Lou, Q. Nie and F. Wan. Effects of Sog on Dpp-Receptor Binding. SIAM J. on Applied Math., 66 (5), pp 1748-1771, 2005.
- 19. A. Lander, Q. Nie and F. Wan. Spatially Distributed Morphogen Production and Morphogen
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- 18. A. Lander, Q. Nie, B. Vargas and F. Wan. Aggregation of a Distributed Source in Morphogee Gradient Formation. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 114(4), pp 343-374, 2005.
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