
Our group is broadly interested in mathematical biology. We strive to understand biological systems by combining:

  • mechanistic computational & math modeling
  • statistics & data science
  • collaboration with experimental scientists.
The questions we tussle with are usually related to stochastic spatiotemporal organization (how and why stuff is moving) at the cellular and molecular scale.

Group News

Aug 24 👨‍🏫 Chris is grateful to win the 2024 Academic Senate Distinguished Early-Career Faculty Award for Teaching.

June 24 📝 Check out a bioRxiv preprint on ribosome dynamics from a new collaboration with the Xiaoyu Shi lab!

June 24 📖 Chris has joined the editorial board of the Bulletin of Math Biology, official journal of the Society of Math Biology.

June 24 📝 A new preprint with Rob Webber on clustering time series, including fun examples from gene expression, ultramarathons, music listening. Check it out!

June 24 🥳 Welcome to our summer MathExpLR students: Christopher, Dhara, & Luca!

June 24 🎉 Two new members of the group, both MCSB PhD students. Welcome Jacy & Austin!

May 24 🎓 Trini defended her thesis! Congrats to the first PhD graduate of the group!

Jan 24 💰 Our group is very fortunate to be funded by an NSF CAREER grant from 2024 to 2029! See the UCI news story for more info.

Nov 23 📝📝 Two preprints out this week! (1) Trini's work on simulation-based inference of kinesin binding times and (2) another on point process inference of gene expression particle snapshots.

June 23 🥳 Welcome to our summer MathBioU & MathExpLR students, Aditya & Masha!

May 23 📝 Congrats Pei for posting her preprint about clustering heterogeneous collectives to the arXiv!

May 23 🎉 Congrats Trini for winning the Dean's Dissertation Fellowship!

May 23 🎊 Chris was named a 2023 Hellman Fellow. Overall, a very successful month for our group!

Apr 23 Me, Anna Ma, and others are organizing the annual SoCAMS (= SoCal Applied Math Symposium) at UCI this year. It's free and early career researchers (students, postdocs) are especially encouraged to share their work. More details at socams.org!

Feb 23 In the spirit of the topic, the delayed birth of his first child gave Bhargav Karamched and me enough time to post a preprint about stochastic delayed feedback in gene regulation. Congrats, Bhargav!

Dec 22 New preprint up on arXiv with Sophie Marbach. We use stochastic averaging to derive effective binding rates and forces for fast cross-linking molecules.

Oct 22 Alex Mogilner and I wrote dispatch in Current Biology about an eLife paper with beautiful integration between theory and experiments of Brownian ratchets. We are big fans!

Jul 22 Chris will speak at two SIAM conferences this summer: the first at SIAM Life Sciences, and another at SIAM Data Science. If you'll be around at either and would like to chat, reach out!

Jun 22 Welcome to our MathExpLR and MathBioU summer students Tanya, David, and Claire!