Natalia L. Komarova
Chancellor's Professor
- Welcome to the 2021-2022 Academic year! I cannot wait to see you all in person!
- Congratulations, Deborah! She has assumed a leadership position with the UCI Chapter of AWM!
- Thank you, Siyang! She was leading a research project with the MathBioU and Math ExpLR summer program for undergraduate and high school students, which resulted in a successful paper and presentation for her group of students: Katelyn Tao, Rhea Shah, and Jackie Qin.
- Congrats, Soodeh! She is now Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Kennesaw State University. Well done!
- Well done, Soodeh! She has posted a new pre-print, Network models and the interpretation of prolonged infection plateaus in the COVID19 pandemic.
- Congratulations, Jesse! Jesse Kreger has obtained his PhD! He received the prestigious Kovalevsky Outstanding Ph.D. thesis award, and also the Outstanding Contributions to the Department award for the fourth year in a row! Unbelievable! He now started a new job as postdoctoral research associate in the MacLean Lab at the University of Southern California. Wow!
- Congrats, Yifan! His new pre-print, The protective effect of aspirin in colorectal carcinogenesis: a multiscale computational study from mutant evolution to age incidence curves, has been posted!
- Thank you, Dan and Samuel, Yifan, and Jesse! They each have organized successful mini-symposia at the SMB 2021 meeting!
- Well done, Jesse! Two of his papers have been published (here and least, two more to go!)
- Welcome: Deborah, Siyang, and Samuel, and Thomas! They are starting to work on math bio projects in our group.
- Welcome, Dani! She is starting to work on a project related to stability of ecological networks.
- Congratulations, Soodeh! She received her first grant from MIDAS! Well done, Soodeh!
- Congratulations, Jesse! Jesse has been appointed to serve on the brand new, SMB Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (SMB as in Society for Mathematical Biology, so this is international level service!) Well done!
- Welcome, Rachel! Rachel Sousa will be joining the group as an MCSB rotation PhD student.
- Congratulations, Jesse! Not one, but two new papers have been uploaded on BioRxive:
Quantifying the dynamics of viral recombination during free virus and cell-to-cell transmission in HIV-1 infection
A hybrid stochastic-deterministic approach to explore multiple infection and evolution in HIV
- Welcome, Soodeh! Soodeh Azizi is joining the group as an new postdoc.
- Welcome, Yifan! Yifan Wang is joining the group as a new VAP.
- Lora is on the news! See an article about Lora's research.
- Congratulations, Lora! Lora Weiss has obtained her PhD and started a new job as Assistant Professor at Grand Valley State University!