Class Information

Meeting Information

Instructor Information

TA Information

Class Links

Email : In all correspondence, please include your name and your course number in the subject line. It is your duty to regularly check your university email, as the instructor often sends class emails.

Book and covered material : The course will follow the book "Calculus: Early transcendentals, 8th edition" by Stewart. A priori, we will cover chapters 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15.

Webwork : Besides the normal load of homeworks, you will need to complete every week, (starting the third week) an online assigment. The first assignment will be based on the first two weeks of instruction. Each subsequent assignment will cover not only the previous week’s material, but potentially also all earlier material covered in the course. In order to properly preprare for the exams it is recommended that you attempt to complete the assignments without a calculator given that you will not have a calculator during the exams. The webwork assignments alone are not sufficient preparation for the exams, you will need to solve the suggested homework problems. You should begin by reading the material on the main WWK webpage, in particular you should read the instructions on entering answers into Webwork here, finally, you should read as well the frequently asked questions.

Suggested Homework : In addition to Webwork, it is highly recommended that you also complete the following optional, ungraded problems.

Quizzes : Quizzes will be given once each week in discussion and the lowest of those scores is dropped. The quizzes are a benchmark to measure how well have you learned the material. They are in general harder than the problems in the midterms.

Syllabus and Program: A priori we will follow the syllabus proposed by the Math department

Pre-requisites : You are supposed to be familiar with the contents of Math 2A and Math 2B. I added some worksheets of Math 2A in the material, which you should be able to solve.

Attendance : You are expected to attend classes and discussions. You are expect to read the material signaled in the Syllabus before each class.

Piazza : This term we will be using Piazza for online class discussion. Find the class page here. (For the questions and answers click the Q and A tab)

Make-up Exam Policy : If any student has a conflict with the midterm, inform the instructor one-week before the test with verifiable evidence.

Course Grade :

Your letter grade equivalent will be computed according to the scale: A 90-100%, B 80-90%, C 70-80%, D 60-70%


General Information :

Handouts :

Quizzes :

Worksheets :

Midterm 1 :

Midterm 2 :

Final :

Campus Resources


