Starred questions are for submission on the day indicated in the syllabus. Answer links will be broken until after submission time. Non-starred questions should also be attempted. Remember to show your working for full credit.
HW1 ( ans )
Sec 7.1: 1, 2 (typo in (d), should be x-y=2 not x-z), 3* (provide working!), 6*
Sec 7.2: 1, 2, 3(a,b*), 4, 5 (for 1, solve or show equations have no solutions)
Chapter 7 Review Exercises: 1, 2, 4(c)
HW2 ( ans )
Sec 8.1: 1-- 5
Sec 8.2: 1--3, 4*, 5
Sec 8.3: 1--4, 5*, 6, 7
Sec 8.4: 1--4, 5* (for part b use the result of question 2)
Chapter 8 Review Exercises: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Sec 9.1: 1--3, 4*
Sec 9.2: 1--5, 6*, 7
HW3 ( ans ) Not for submission - midterm instead
Sec 9.3: 1--6
Sec 9.4: 1--4, 6
Chapter 9 Review Exercises: 1--9
Sec 10.1: 1--9
Sec 10.2: 1--3, 5
Sec 10.3: 1--5
Chapter 10 Review Exercises: 1--8, 10
pdf + Answers (pdf)
HW4 ( ans )
Sec 11.1: 1--8, 9*, 10
Sec 11.2: 1--3, 4*, 5--9
Sec 11.3: 1, 2(a,b)*, 3, 4, 5(b)*, 6--9
Chapter 11 Review Exercises: 1--4
HW5 ( ans )
Sec 12.1: 1, 3*, 4--7
Sec 12.2: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Sec 12.3: 1, 2 (a*), 3, 4*
Chapter 12 Review Exercises: 1--5
Sec 13.1: 1--8
Chapter 13 Review Exercises: None

Summary Notes