- P. Baldi, R. Vershynin,
A theory of capacity and sparse neural encoding,
Neural Networks 143 (2021), 12--27.
- G. Livshyts, K. Tikhomirov, R. Vershynin,
The smallest singular value of inhomogeneous square random matrices,
Annals of Probability 49 (2021), 1286--1309.
- R. Vershynin,
Memory capacity of neural networks with threshold and rectified linear unit activations,
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 2 (2020), 1004--1033.
- R. Vershynin,
Concentration inequalities for random tensors,
Bernoulli 26 (2020), 3139--3162.
P. Baldi, R. Vershynin,
Polynomial threshold functions, hyperplane arrangements, and random tensors,
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 1 (2019), 699--729.
P. Baldi, R. Vershynin,
The capacity of feedforward neural networks,
Neural Networks 116 (2019), 288--311.
Featured in ZDNet News.
- Y. S. Tan, R. Vershynin,
Phase retrieval via randomized Kaczmarz: theoretical guarantees,
Information and Inference 8 (2019), 97--123.
P. Baldi, R. Vershynin,
On neuronal capacity, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2019) 124012, 14 pp. (invited paper).
Conference version: Neuronal capacity,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NIPS 2018), 7729--7738.
- Y. S. Tan, R. Vershynin,
Polynomial time and sample complexity for non-Gaussian component analysis: spectral methods,
Proceedings of the 31st Conference On Learning Theory (COLT 2018),
PMLR 75 (2018), 498--534.
- E. Rebrova, R. Vershynin,
Norms of random matrices: local and global problems,
Advances in Mathematics 324 (2018), 40--83.
- J. Banks, C. Moore, R. Vershynin, J. Xu,
Information-theoretic bounds and phase transitions in clustering, sparse PCA, and submatrix localization,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (2018), 4872--4994.
Conference version:
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT).
- C. Liaw, A. Mehrabian, Y. Plan, R. Vershynin,
A simple tool for bounding the deviation of random matrices on geometric sets,
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2014--2016,
B. Klartag, E. Milman (eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2169, Springer, 2017, pp. 277--299.
- C. Le, E. Levina, R. Vershynin,
Concentration and regularization of random graphs,
Random Structures and Algorithms 51 (2017), 538--561.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
No-gaps delocalization for general random matrices,
Geometric and Functional Analysis 26 (2016), 1716--1776.
- Y. Plan, R. Vershynin,
The generalized Lasso with non-linear observations,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 62 (2016), 1528--1537.
- C. Le, E. Levina, R. Vershynin,
Sparse random graphs: regularization and concentration of the Laplacian,
unpublished. This manuscript is superseded by
our newer paper.
- O. Guedon, R. Vershynin,
Community detection in sparse networks via Grothendieck's inequality,
Probability Theory and Related Fields 165 (2016), 1025--1049.
- C. Le, E. Levina, R. Vershynin,
Optimization via low-rank approximation, with applications to community detection in networks,
Annals of Statistics 44 (2016), 373--400.
- B. Farrell, R. Vershynin,
Smoothed analysis of symmetric random matrices with continuous distributions,
Proceedings of the AMS 144 (2016), 2257--2261.
Hagelstein's weak triangle inequality for weak L1 norm used in this paper is discussed here:
R. Vershynin,
Weak triangle inequalities for weak L1 norm, unpublished.
- R. Giryes, Y. Plan, R. Vershynin,
On the effective measure of dimension in analysis cosparse model,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (2015), 5745--5753.
Conference version:
On the effective measure of dimension in total variation minimization,
Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), 2015, IEEE, 593--597.
- Y. Plan, R. Vershynin, E. Yudovina,
High-dimensional estimation with geometric constraints,
Information and Inference 0 (2016), 1--40.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Small ball probabilities for linear images of high dimensional distributions,
International Mathematics Research Notices 19 (2015), 9594--9617.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Delocalization of eigenvectors of random matrices with independent entries,
Duke Mathematical Journal 164 (2015), 2507--2538.
- A. Ai, A. Lapanowski, Y. Plan and R. Vershynin,
One-bit compressed sensing with non-Gaussian measurements,
Linear Algebra and Applications 441 (2014), 222--239.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Invertibility of random matrices: unitary and orthogonal perturbations,
Journal of the AMS 27 (2014), 293--338.
- Y. Plan, R. Vershynin,
Dimension reduction by random hyperplane tessellations,
Discrete and Computational Geometry 51 (2014), 438--461.
- R. Vershynin,
Invertibility of symmetric random matrices,
Random Structures and Algorithms 44 (2014), 135--182.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Hanson-Wright inequality and sub-gaussian concentration,
Electronic Communications in Probability 18 (2013), 1-9.
- Y. Plan, R. Vershynin,
Robust 1-bit compressed sensing and sparse logistic regression: a convex programming approach,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59 (2013), 482--494.
- Y. Plan, R. Vershynin,
One-bit compressed sensing by linear programming,
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 66 (2013), 1275--1297.
- N. Srivastava, R. Vershynin,
Covariance estimation for distributions with 2+epsilon moments,
Annals of Probability 41 (2013), 3081--3111.
- R. Vershynin,
A tribute to Nigel J. Kalton (1946-2010),
Peter Casazza (coordinating editor), Alexander Pelczynski, Joe Diestel, Roman Vershynin, Gilles Godefroy,
Notices of the AMS 59 (7), August 2012, 942--951.
- E. Levina, R. Vershynin,
Partial estimation of covariance matrices,
Probability Theory and Related Fields 153 (2012), 405--419.
- R. Vershynin,
How close is the sample covariance matrix to the actual covariance matrix?
Journal of Theoretical Probability 25 (2012), 655--686.
- R. Vershynin,
A simple decoupling inequality in probability theory,
not intended for publication (2011).
- R. Vershynin,
Approximating the moments of marginals of high dimensional distributions,
Annals of Probability 39 (2011), 1591--1606.
- R. Vershynin,
Spectral norm of products of random and deterministic matrices,
Probability Theory and Related Fields 150 (2011), 471--509.
- Yu. Lyubarskii, R. Vershynin,
Uncertainty principles and vector quantization,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (2010), 3491--3501.
- T. Strohmer, R. Vershynin,
Comments on the randomized Kaczmarz method,
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 15 (2009), 437--440.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Smallest singular value of a random rectangular matrix,
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 62 (2009), 1707--1739.
D. Needell, R. Vershynin,
Signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measurements
via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit,
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 4 (2010), 310--316.
Conference version:
D. Needell, R. Vershynin,
Signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measurements via ROMP,
SAMPTA'09 (8th international conference on Sampling Theory and Applications), 2009.
Another conference version:
D. Needell, R. Vershynin,
Greedy signal recovery and uncertainty principles,
Computational Imaging VI, IS&T/SPIE 19th Annual Symposium, 2008.
Proc. SPIE Vol. 6814, 68140J.
- R. Vershynin,
A note on sums of independent random matrices after Ahlswede-Winter,
not intended for publication, 2009.
- R. Vershynin,
Golden-Thompson inequality,
not intended for publication, 2009.
- D. Needell, R. Vershynin,
Uniform Uncertainty Principle and signal recovery
via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit,
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 9 (2009), 317--334.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
The least singular value of a random square matrix is O(n^{-1/2}),
Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences - Mathematique 346 (2008), 893--896.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
The Littlewood-Offord Problem and invertibility of random matrices,
Advances in Mathematics 218 (2008), 600--633.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Sampling from large matrices: an approach through geometric functional analysis,
Journal of the ACM (2007), Art. 21, 19 pp.
- A. Gilbert, M. Strauss, J. Tropp, R. Vershynin,
One sketch for all: fast algorithms for compressed sensing,
STOC'07--Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,
237--246, ACM, New York, 2007.
- B. Klartag, R. Vershynin,
Small ball probability and Dvoretzky theorem,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 157 (2007), 193--207.
- T. Strohmer, R. Vershynin,
A randomized Kaczmarz algorithm with exponential convergence,
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 15 (2009), 262--278.
Conference version:
T. Strohmer, R. Vershynin,
A randomized solver for linear systems with exponential convergence,
Approximation, randomization and combinatorial optimization, 499--507,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 4110,
Springer, Berlin, 2006.
- R. Vershynin,
Beyond Hirsch Conjecture: walks on random polytopes
and smoothed complexity of the simplex method,
SIAM Journal on Computing 39 (2009), 646--678 (Invited paper).
Conference version: R. Vershynin,
Beyond Hirsch Conjecture: walks on random polytopes
and smoothed complexity of the simplex method,
FOCS 2006 (47th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science), 133--142.
A. Gilbert, M. Strauss, J. Tropp, R. Vershynin,
Algorithmic linear dimension reduction in the ell-1 norm for sparse vectors,
Allerton 2006 (44th Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing), invited paper.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
On sparse reconstruction from Fourier and Gaussian measurements,
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 61 (2008), 1025-1045.
Conference version: M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Sparse reconstruction by convex relaxation: Fourier and Gaussian measurements,
CISS'06 (40th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems),
2006, 207--212.
- R. Vershynin,
Random sets of isomorphism of linear operators on Hilbert space,
High dimensional probability, 148--154,
IMS Lecture Notes Monogr. Ser., 51, Inst. Math. Statist.,
Beachwood, OH, 2006.
- R. Vershynin,
Isoperimetry of waists and local versus global asymptotic convex geometries
(with an appendix by M. Rudelson and R. Vershynin),
Duke Mathematical Journal 131 (2006), 1--16.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Combinatorics of random processes and sections of convex bodies,
Annals of Mathematics 164 (2006), 603--648.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Geometric approach to error correcting codes and reconstruction of signals,
International Mathematical Research Notices 64 (2005), 4019--4041.
Conference version: E. Candes, M. Rudelson, T. Tao, R. Vershynin,
Error correction via Linear Programming,
FOCS 2005 (46th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science),
- R. Vershynin,
Frame expansions with erasures: an approach through the non-commutative
operator theory,
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 18 (2005), 167--176
- R. Vershynin,
Integer cells in convex sets,
Advances in Mathematics 197 (2005), 248--273.
- P. G. Casazza, O. Christensen, A. M. Lindner, R. Vershynin,
Frames and the Feichtinger conjecture,
Proceedings of the AMS 133 (2005), 1025--1033.
- A. Litvak, A. Pajor, M. Rudelson, N. Tomczak-Jaegermann, R. Vershynin,
Euclidean embeddings in spaces of finite volume ratio via random matrices,
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 589 (2005), 1--19.
- A. Litvak, A. Pajor, M. Rudelson, N. Tomczak-Jaegermann, R. Vershynin,
Random Euclidean embeddings in spaces of bounded volume ratio,
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des sciences - Mathématique
339 (2004), 33--38.
- S. Mendelson, R. Vershynin,
Remarks on the geometry of coordinate projections in R^n,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 140 (2004), 203--220.
- S. Mendelson, R. Vershynin,
Entropy and the combinatorial dimension,
Inventiones Mathematicae 152 (2003), 37--55.
- G. Schechtman, N. Tomczak-Jaegermann, R. Vershynin,
Maximal l_p^n-structures in spaces with extremal parameters,
Geometric aspects of functional analysis, 223--240,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1807, Springer, Berlin, 2003.
- M. Rudelson, R. Vershynin,
Embedding Levy families into Banach spaces,
Geometric and Functional Analysis 12 (2002), 183--198.
- R. Vershynin,
John's decompositions: selecting a large part,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 122 (2001), 253--277.
- S. Mendelson, R. Vershynin,
Entropy, combinatorial dimensions and random averages,
in: COLT 2002 (15th Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory),
edited by J. Kivinen and R. Sloan, Springer 2002, p. 14--28.
- N. Tomczak-Jaegermann, R. Vershynin,
Sizes of projections of symmetric convex bodies,
unpublished (2001).
- R. Vershynin,
Subsequences of frames,
Studia Mathematica 145 (2001), 185--197.
- R. Vershynin,
On large random almost Euclidean bases,
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 69 (2000), no. 2, 137--144.
- R. Vershynin,
Absolutely representing systems, uniform smoothness and type,
Questionae Mathematica 23 (2000), 87--98.
- R. Vershynin,
On constructions of strong and uniformly minimal M-bases in Banach spaces,
Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 74 (2000), 50--60.
- R. Vershynin,
Imbedding of the images of operators and reflexivity of Banach spaces (Russian),
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 51 (1999), 293--296.
- R. Vershynin,
On 1+epsilon_n-bounded M-bases (Russian),
Russian Mathematics (Izvestiya VUZ. Matematika) 43 (1999), 22--25.
- R. Vershynin,
On representing and absolutely representing systems in Banach spaces (Russian),
Matematicheskaya Fizika, Analiz, Geometriya 5 (1998), 3--14.
- V. Kadets, R. Vershynin,
The selection problem for bases with brackets and for strong M-bases,
Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo Sez. A 131 (1997), 169--177.