P Carter, A Doelman, P van Heijster, D Levy, P Maini, E Okey, P Yeung.
Deformations of acid-mediated invasive tumors in a model with Allee effect. (pdf)
M Avery, P Carter, B de Rijk, A Scheel.
Stability of coherent pattern formation through invasion in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system. (pdf)
S Banerjee, M Baudena, P Carter, R Bastiaansen, A Doelman, and M Rietkerk.
Rethinking tipping points in spatial ecosystems.
Research articles
P Carter, A Doelman, A Iuorio, F Veerman.
Travelling pulses on three spatial scales in a Klausmeier-type vegetation-autotoxicity model.
Nonlinearity 37(9) (2024), 095008. (preprint, arXiv)
P Carter
A stabilizing effect of advection on planar interfaces in singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion equations.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 84(3) (2024), pp. 1227-1253.
(preprint, arXiv)
T Chin, J Ruth, C Sanford, R Santorella, P Carter, and B Sandstede.
Enabling equation-free modeling via diffusion maps.
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 36 (2024), pp. 415-434. (preprint)
E Byrnes, P Carter, A Doelman, and L Liu.
Large amplitude radially symmetric spots and gaps in a dryland ecosystem model.
Journal of Nonlinear Science 33(107) (2023). (preprint, arXiv)
P Carter, A Doelman, K Lilly, E Obermayer, and S Rao.
Criteria for the (in)stability of planar interfaces in singularly perturbed 2-component reaction-diffusion equations.
Physica D 444 (2023), 133596. (preprint, arXiv)
P Carter and A Champneys.
Wiggly canards: growth of traveling wave trains through a family of fast-subsystem foci.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - S 15(9) (2022), pp. 2433-2466. (preprint)
P Carter, J Rademacher, and B Sandstede.
Pulse replication and accumulation of eigenvalues.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 53(3) (2021), pp. 3520-3576. (preprint)
A Bauer and P Carter.
Existence of transonic solutions in the stellar wind problem with viscosity and heat conduction.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 20(1) (2021), pp. 262-298. (preprint)
P Carter.
Spike-adding canard explosion in a class of square-wave bursters.
Journal of Nonlinear Science 30(6) (2020), pp. 2613-2669. (preprint)
T Aougab, M Beck, P Carter, S Desai, B Sandstede, M Stadt, and A Wheeler.
Isolas versus snaking of localized rolls.
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 31(3) (2019), pp. 1199-1222. (preprint)
J Bramburger, D Altschuler, C Avery, T Sangsawang, M Beck, P Carter, and B Sandstede.
Localized radial roll patterns in higher space dimensions.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 18(3) (2019), pp. 1420-1453. (preprint)
R Bastiaansen, P Carter, and A Doelman.
Stable planar vegetation stripe patterns on sloped terrain in dryland ecosystems.
Nonlinearity 32(8) (2019), pp. 2759-2814. (preprint)
P Carter and A Doelman.
Traveling stripes in the Klausmeier model of vegetation pattern formation.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 78(6) (2018), pp. 3213-3237. (preprint)
P Carter and A Scheel.
Wave train selection by invasion fronts in the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation.
Nonlinearity 31(12) (2018), pp. 5536-5572. (preprint)
P Carter and B Sandstede.
Unpeeling a homoclinic banana in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 17(1) (2018), pp. 236-349. (preprint)
C Xia, C Cochrane, J DeGuire, G Fan, E Holmes, M McGuirl, P Murphy, J Palmer, P Carter, L Slivinski, and B Sandstede.
Assimilating Eulerian and Lagrangian data in traffic-flow models.
Physica D 346 (2017), pp. 59-72. (preprint)
P Carter, E Knobloch, and M Wechselberger.
Transonic canards and stellar wind.
Nonlinearity 30(3) (2017), pp. 1006-1033. (preprint)
P Carter, B de Rijk, and B Sandstede.
Stability of traveling pulses with oscillatory tails in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system.
Journal of Nonlinear Science 26(5) (2016), pp. 1369-1444. (preprint)
P Carter and B Sandstede.
Fast pulses with oscillatory tails in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 47(5) (2015), pp. 3393-3441. (preprint)
P Carter, PL Christiansen, YB Gaididei, C Gorria, B Sandstede, MP Sorensen, and J Starke.
Multi-jam solutions in traffic models with velocity-dependent driver strategies.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 74(6) (2014), pp. 1895-1918. (preprint)
Conference proceedings/reports
Articles aimed at undergraduates