On Endoscopy Structures of Automorphic Forms


Professor Dihua Jiang


University of Minnesota


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

Endoscopy structures of automorphic forms was one of the
basic structures discovered through the Arthur-Selberg trace formula method to establish the Langlands functoriality for classical groups.

In this talk, we will discuss my recent work on characterization of the endoscopy structure in terms of the order of pole at s=1 of certain L-functions, and in terms of a family of periods of automorphic forms, which was discovered jointly with David Ginzburg. At the end, I may discuss how to contruct the
endoscopy transfer by integral operators, which is
a joint work with Ginzburg and Soudry.

Variables Separated Equations and Finite Simple Groups


Professor Mike Fried


Montana State U-Billings, Emeritus UCI


Tuesday, April 6, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

Variables Separated Equations and Finite Simple Groups: Davenport's
problem is to figure out the nature of two polynomials over a number
field having the same ranges on almost all residue class fields of the
number field. Solving this problem initiated the monodromy method.
That included two new tools: the B(ranch)C(ycle)L(emma) and the
Hurwitz monodromy group. By walking through Davenport's problem with
hindsight, variables separated equations let us simplify lessons on
using these tools. We attend to these general questions:
1. What allows us to produce branch cycles, and what was their effect
on the Genus 0 Problem (of Guralnick/Thompson)?
2. What is in the kernel of the Chow motive map, and how much is it
captured by using (algebraic) covers?
3. What groups arise in 'nature' (a 'la a paper by R. Solomon)?
Each phrase addresses formulating problems based on equations. We seem
to need explicit algebraic equations. Yet why, and how much do we lose/
gain in using more easily manipulated surrogates for them? To make
this clear we consider the difference in the result for Davenport's
Problem and that for its formulation over finite fields, using a
technique of R. Abhyankar.

On distribution of well-rounded lattices in the plane


Professor Lenny Fukshansky


Claremont College


Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

A lattice of rank N is called well-rounded (abbreviated WR) if its minimal vectors span R^N. WR lattices are extremely important for discrete optimization problems. In this
talk, I will discuss the distribution of WR lattices in R^2, specifically concentrating
on WR sublattices of Z^2. Studying the structure of the set C of similarity classes of
these lattices, I will show that elements of C are in bijective correspondence with
certain ideals in Gaussian integers, and will construct an explicit parametrization of
lattices in each such similarity class by elements in the corresponding ideal. I will
then use this parameterization to investigate some basic analytic properties of zeta
function of WR sublattices of Z^2.

Some elliptic curves with large rank over $\bar{F_q}(t)$


Tommy Occhipinti


University of Arizona


Tuesday, February 2, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

It is a fascinating result of Ulmer that the elliptic curve y^2=x^4+x^3+t^d attains arbitrarily large rank over $\bar{F_q}(t)$ as d varies over the positive integers. In this talk we will provide some new examples of this phenomenon and provide an overview of previous work in this area, particularly that of Ulmer and Berger.

A Small Survey of Rigid Analytic Geometry and Further Directions


Mr. Damek Davis




Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

We will discuss some of the local theory of rigid-analytic spaces including Tate's algebra, affinoid algebras, Washnitzer's algebra and dagger algebras. After we provide enough motivation we will discuss the results of research completed by myself and Professor Daqing Wan. The results of this research form a basis for generalizing Washnitzer's algebra.

De Rham Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties


Chris Davis


Max Planck Institute


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

To an algebraic variety over the complex numbers, we can associate a complex analytic space. When the result is a smooth complex manifold, we can compute its de Rham cohomology. I would like to discuss some ways to compute this cohomology directly from our algebraic variety, and how these methods can be adapted to more general varieties. None of the material I will present is original. The results are due to many people, especially Grothendieck.

An Introduction to Sage: Mathematical Software for Teaching and Research


Nick Alexander




Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 2:00pm


RH 306

The Sage mathematics software project (http://www.sagemath.org) aims to "Create a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab."

This hands-on introduction to Sage will get new users solving their computational problems quickly. Emphasis will be placed on using Sage for current research and for using Sage in teaching calculus to undergraduate students.

We will use Sage on the web (http://www.sagenb.org); please bring your laptop if you have one.


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