
Mahdi Asgari


Oklahoma State University and Cornell University


Thursday, May 24, 2012 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

How many cusp form are there on SL(2), SL(n), or a more general (reductive or semisimple) linear algebraic group? Until a few years ago it was not known that there are infinitely many cusp forms on a group such as SL(n) beyond very small values of n.

Weyl's law refers to an asymptotic formula for the number of cusp forms on a given connected reductive group, in particular establishing their infinitude. I will discuss some work-in-progress, joint with Werner Mueller of University of Bonn, establishing Weyl's law with remainder terms for classical groups. Without remainder terms, this result was established, for spherical cusp forms, by Lindenstrauss and Venkatesh in a rather general setting.