Serre curves in one-parameter families


David Grant


University of Colorado


Saturday, November 7, 2009 - 10:00am


RH 101

Serre famously proved that for elliptic curves $E$ over number fields $k$ without complex multiplication, the galois group $H$ of the field generated over $k$ by all the torsion points $E_{\text{tor}}$ of $E$ is a subgroup of finite index in $G=\displaystyle\lim_{\leftarrow\atop n} \text{GL}_2(\Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z)$. When $k=\Bbb Q$, the smallest the index of $H$ in $G$ can be is 2, and if it is, we say $E$ is a Serre curve over $\Bbb Q$. Now let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\Bbb Q(t)$. So long as the galois group generated over $\Bbb Q(t)$ by $E_{\text{tor}}$ is all of $G$, ``almost all" specializations $t_0$ of $t$ in $\Bbb Q$ give rise to elliptic curves $E_{t_0}$ which are Serre curves, and if we consider those $t_0$ of height bounded by some $B$, we give bounds for the number of $E_{t_0}$ which are not Serre curves in terms of $B$.

1-motives and special values of equivariant L-functions


Cristian Popescu




Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 4:00pm


RH 101

We will discuss our recent proof (joint work with C. Greither) of a conjecture linking $\ell$-adic realizations of $1$-motives and special values of equivariant $L$-functions in characteristic $p$, refining earlier results of Deligne and Tate. As a consequence, we will give proofs (in the characteristic $p$ setting) of various central classical conjectures on special values of $L$-functions, namely those due to Coates-Sinnott, Brumer-Stark, and Gross. Also, we will indicate how this theory can be extended to characteristic $0$.

The p-rank strata of the moduli space of curves


Jeff Achter


Colorado State University


Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 2:30pm


RH 101

Let E be an elliptic curve over an algebraically closed field k of
characteristic p>0. Then the physical p-torsion E[p](k) is either trivial,
and E is called supersingular, or E[p](k) is a group of order p. More
generally, if X/k is an abelian variety of dimension g, then X[p](k)
is isomorphic to (Z/p)^f for some number f, called the p-rank of X.
The p-rank induces a stratification of the moduli space of abelian
varieties; via the Torelli functor, it induces a stratification of the
moduli space of (hyperelliptic) curves.
I'll discuss recent results on the geometry of these strata, with
special attention to their structure at the boundary of the moduli
space. This information yields new applications about the prime-to-p
part of the class group of a quadratic function field with specified geometric
p-rank; the existence of absolutely simple hyperelliptic Jacobians of
every p-rank; and the stratification of the moduli space of curves by
Newton polygon.

Stable cohomology of moduli spaces and Cohen-Lenstra conjectures over function fields


Jordan Ellenberg


University of Wisconsin


Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 11:30am


RH 101

A Hurwitz space H_{G,n} is an algebraic variety parametrizing branched covers of the projective line with some fixed finite Galois group G. We will prove that, under some hypotheses on G, the rational i'th homology of the Hurwitz spaces stabilizes when the number of branch points is sufficiently large compared to i.

This purely topological theorem has some interesting number-theoretic consequences. It implies, for instance, a weak form of the Cohen-Lenstra conjectures over rational function fields, and some quantitative inverse Galois results over function fields. For instance, we show that the average size of the p-part of the class number of a hyperelliptic genus-g curve over F_q is bounded independently of g, when q is large enough relative to p; the key point here is q can be held fixed while g grows.

I will try to give a general overview of the dictionary between conjectures about topology of moduli spaces, on the one hand, and arithmetic distribution conjectures (Cohen-Lenstra, Bhargava, Malle, inverse Galois...) on the other.


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