Approximation of polynomials from Walsh tail spaces


Haonan Zhang


University of South Carolina


Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 1:00pm



In this talk, I will discuss various bounds for the $L^p$ distance of polynomials on discrete hypercubes from Walsh tail spaces, extending some of Oleszkiewicz’s results (2017) for Rademacher sums. This is based on joint work with Alexandros Eskenazis (CNRS, Sorbonne University).

Complex Interpolation in Quantum Information


Li Gao


Wuhan University


Monday, January 27, 2025 - 1:00pm



Many problems of error analysis in quantum information processing can be formulated as deviation inequalities of random matrices. In this talk, I will talk about how complex interpolations of various Lp spaces can be an effective tool in establishing error estimates in information tasks such as quantum soft covering, privacy amplification, convex splitting and quantum decoupling.  This talk is based on joint works with Hao-Chung Cheng, Yu-Chen Shen, Frédéric Dupuis and Mario Berta. 

Marked length spectral invariants of Birkhoff billiard tables and compactness of isospectral sets


Amir Vig


University of Michigan


Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - 11:00am



Rowland Hall 340P

For planar billiard tables, the marked length spectrum encodes the lengths
of action (minus the length) minimizing orbits of a given rational rotation
number. For strictly convex tables, a renormalization of these lengths extends
to a continuous function called Mather’s beta function or the mean minimal
action. We show that using the algebraic structure of its Taylor coefficients,
one can prove C infinity compactness of marked length isospectral sets. This
gives a dynamical counterpart to the Laplace spectral results of Melrose,
Osgood, Phillips and Sarnak.

A probabilistic approach to the geometry of p-Schatten balls.


Grigoris Paouris


Texas A&M


Thursday, December 5, 2024 - 1:00pm


RH 306

On the vector space of matrices equipped with the p-Schatten norm, consider the unit ball normalized to have Lebesque volume 1. Let $ W$ be the random matrix uniformly distributed on this set. We compute sharp upper and lower bounds for the moments of marginals of the random matrix $W$. As an application, we characterize subgaussian and supergaussian directions, estimate the volume of sections of these balls, and provide precise tail estimates for the singular values of the matrix $W$.  Based on a joint work with Kavita Ramanan. 

Semiclassical asymptotics for Bergman projections


Haoren Xiong




Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 1:00am to 2:00am


RH 306

Abstract: In this talk, we discuss the semiclassical asymptotics for Bergman kernels in exponentially weighted spaces of holomorphic functions. We will first review a direct approach to the construction of asymptotic Bergman projections, developed by Deleporte--Hitrik--Sjöstrand in the case of real analytic weights, and Hitrik--Stone in the case of smooth weights. We shall then explore the case of Gevrey weights, which can be thought of as the interpolating case between the real analytic and smooth weights. In the case of Gevrey weights, we show that Bergman kernel can be approximated in certain Gevrey symbol class up to a Gevrey type small error, in the semiclassical limit. We will also introduce some microlocal analysis tools in the Gevrey setting, including Borel's lemma for symbols and complex stationary phase lemma. This talk is based on joint work with Hang Xu.

Illuminating certain high-dimensional 1-unconditional convex bodies


Beatrice-Helen Vritsiou


University of Alberta


Thursday, November 14, 2024 - 1:00pm


306 Rowland Hall

Let us think of a convex body in R^n (convex, compact set, with non-empty interior) as an opaque object, and let us place point light sources around it, wherever we want, to illuminate its entire surface. What is the minimum number of light sources that we need? The Hadwiger-Boltyanski illumination conjecture from 1960 states that we need at most as many light sources as for the n-dimensional hypercube, and more generally, as for n-dimensional parallelotopes. For the latter their illumination number is exactly 2^n, and they are conjectured to be the only equality cases.

The conjecture is still open in dimension 3 and above, and has only been fully settled for certain classes of convex bodies (e.g. zonoids, bodies of constant width, etc.). Moreover, there are some rare examples for which a basic, folklore argument could quickly lead to the upper bound 2^n, while at the same time understanding the equality cases has remained elusive for decades. One such example would be convex bodies very close to the cube, which was settled by Livshyts and Tikhomirov in 2017.

In this talk I will discuss another such instance, which comes from the class of 1-unconditional convex bodies, and which also 'forces' us to settle the conjecture for a few more cases of 1-unconditional bodies. This is based on joint work with Wen Rui Sun, and our arguments are primarily combinatorial.

On the clustering of Padé zeros and poles of random power series


Petros Valettas


University of Missouri


Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 1:00pm


306 Rowland Hall

We estimate non-asymptotically the probability of uniform clustering around the unit circle of the zeros of the $[m,n]$-Padé approximant of a random power series $f(z) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty a_k z^k$, for $a_k$ independent, with finite first moment, and anti-concentrated. Under the same assumptions we show that almost surely $f$ has infinitely many zeros in the unit disc, with the unit circle serving as a (strong) natural boundary for $f$. For $R_m$ the radius of the largest disc containing at most $m$ zeros of $f$, a deterministic result of Edrei implies that in our setting the poles of the $[m,n]$-Padé approximant almost surely cluster uniformly at the circle of radius $R_m$ when $n\to \infty$ and $m$ stays fixed, and we provide almost sure rates of convergence of these $R_m$'s to $1$. We also show that our results on the clustering of the zeros hold for log-concave vectors $(a_k)$ with not necessarily independent coordinates. This is joint work with S. Dostoglou (University of Missouri).

A degree one Carleson operator along the paraboloid


Lars Becker




Thursday, January 25, 2024 - 1:00pm


306 Rowland Hall

Carleson proved in 1966 that the Fourier series of any square integrable
function converges pointwise almost everywhere to the function, by establishing boundedness
of the maximally modulated Hilbert transform from L^2 into weak L^2. This
talk is about a generalization of his result, where the Hilbert transform
is replaced by a singular integral operator along a paraboloid. I will
review the history of extensions of Carleson's theorem, and then discuss
the two main ingredients needed to deduce our result: sparse bounds for
singular integrals along the paraboloid, and a square function argument
relying on the geometry of the paraboloid.

The Positive Rates Conjecture in Nearest-Neighbor Cellular Automata


Georg Menz




Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 1:00pm


RH 306

A cellular automaton describes a process in which cells evolve
according to a set of rules. Which rule is applied to a specific cell
only depends on the states of the neighboring and the cell itself.
Considering a one-dimensional cellular automaton with finite range,
the positive rates conjecture states that under the presence of
noise the associated stationary measure must be unique. We restrict
ourselves to the case of nearest-neighbor interaction where
simulations suggest that the positive rates conjecture is true. After
discussing a simple criterion to deduce decay of correlations, we show
that the positive rates conjecture is true for almost all
nearest-neighbor cellular automatons. The main tool is comparing a
one-dimensional cellular automaton to a properly chosen
two-dimensional Ising-model. We outline a pathway to resolve the
remaining open cases and formulate a conjecture for general Ising
models with odd interaction.

This presentation is based on collaborative work with Maciej
Gluchowski from the University of Warsaw and Jacob Manaker from UCLA


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