Anomalous heat kernel decay for random walk among random conductances


Marek Biskup




Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

I will consider the random walk on Z^d driven by a field of random i.i.d.
The law of the conductances is bounded from above; no restriction is posed on the
lower tail (at zero) except that the bonds with positive conductances percolate.
The presence of very weak bonds allows the random walk in a finite box mix pretty
much arbitrarily slowly. However, when we focus attention on the return probability
to the starting point -- i.e., the heat-kernel -- it turns out that in dimensions
d=2,3 the
decay is as for the simple random walk. On the other hand, in d>4 the heat- kernel
at time 2n may decay as slowly as o(1/n^2) and in d=4 as slowly as O(n^{-2}log n).
These upper bounds can be matched arbitrarily closely by lower bounds in particular
examples. Despite this, the random walk scales to Brownian motion under the usual
diffusive scaling of space and time. Based on joint works with N. Berger, C. Hoffman,
G. Kozma and T. Prescott.

On the edge behavior of the spectral measure for slowly decaying monotone potentials


Yoram Last


Hebrew University, Jerusalem


Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The talk will discuss the behavior of the spectral measure
at the edge of the spectrum for half line discrete Schroedinger
operators with slowly decaying monotone potentials. A central example
is the bottom of the spectrum for the potential V(n) = 1/n^b, where
0 < b < 1/2. This is joint work with Y. Kreimer and B. Simon.

Wavepacket Spreading on the Fibonacci Chain


David Damanik


Rice University


Thursday, February 8, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We discuss the spreading of an initially localized wavepacket
on the Fibonacci chain under Schr\"odinger dynamics. After briefly
recalling the known results that bound the associated dynamical
quantities from above and below, we present a combinatorial approach to
this problem that leads to improved lower bounds (joint work with Mark
Embree and Serguei Tcheremchantsev)

A Strong Szego Theorem for Jacobi Matrices


Eric Ryckman




Thursday, January 25, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We use a classical result of Golinskii and Ibragimov to prove
an analog of the Strong
Szego Theorem for Jacobi matrices. In particular, we study a class of
matrices and determine necessary and sufficient conditions on the
spectral measure such
that the corresponding parameter sequences lie in the linearly-weighted
l^2 space.

Perturbation theory for infinite dimensional integrable systems on the line.


Percy Deift


Courant Institute


Thursday, November 2, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

This is joint work with Xin Zhou.

The speaker will consider, in particular, different aspects of the
solution of the Cauchy problem for the perturbed defocusing NLS equation,
(1) iq_t + q_xx - 2(|q|^2)q -(\epsilon)W(|q|^2)q = 0
q(x,0)=q_0(x)--> 0 as |x|--> \infty.

Here (\epsilon)>0, W(s) is non-negative and W(s) behaves like s^k as s --> 0 for some (sufficiently large) exponent l.

For fixed k>7/4, and \epsilon sufficiently small, the authors
(i) describe the long-time behavior of solutions of (1)
(ii) show that on an invariant, open, connected set in phase space, equation (1) is completely integrable in the sense of Liouville
(iii)show that the solution of (1) is universal in the following sense: one uses W to set the macroscopic scales for the solution, but once the scale is set, the solution of (1) looks the same independent of W.

The main technical tool in proving (i)(ii)(iii) is to use the Zakaharov-Shabat scattering map for NLS to transform the problem to normal form in the manner of Kaup and Newell, and then to analyze the normal form using Riemann-Hilbert/steepest-descent-type methods.

Henon family, persistent tangencies, and celestial mechanics


Anton Gorodetskii




Thursday, November 16, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Celestial mechanics is a main parent" of the modern theory of
dynamical systems. Poincare proved non-integrability of the three body
problem when he discovered the homoclinic picture. Alexeev explained the
existence of the oscillatory motions (a planet approaches infinity
always returning to a bounded domain) in Sitnikov model (one of the
restricted versions of the three body problem) using methods of
hyperbolic dynamics.
We show that the structures related to the most recent works in the
smooth dynamical systems (e.g. conservative Henon family, lateral
thickness of a Cantor set, persistent tangencies, splitting of
separatrices) also appear in the three body problem. After we get some
new results in smooth dynamics (parameterized version of conservative
Newhouse phenomena, relation between lateral thicknesses and Hausdorff
dimension of a Cantor set, etc), we prove that in many cases the set of
oscillatory motions has a full Hausdorff dimension.
This is a joint work with V.Kaloshin.

Analytic continuation of random analytic functions


Stanislav Molchanov




Thursday, October 26, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We consider random Taylor series and the random $\dzeta$-functions. We prove non-continuation results for both, in case of independent random variables. Also, if the series defined by a stationary process can be continued beyond the radius of convergence we show that the process is deterministic.


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