Cantor Spectrum for a Generic 1D Almost Periodic Continuum Schr\"odinger Operator with Given Frequencies


Alexander Gordon




Monday, June 19, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We study the self-adjoint Schr\"odinger operator on the axis
H_v = -\frac{d^2}{dx^2} + v(x),\ \ \ -\infty < x < \infty,
with an almost periodic real-valued potential $v(x)$.
Let $\Lambda$ be a dense subgroup of the group $(\R,+)$. Denote by
$AP_{\Lambda}(\mathbf{R})$ the Banach space of all real-valued almost periodic
functions on $\R$ whose all frequencies belong to $\Lambda$, with the supremum norm.

\ There exists a dense $G_{\delta}$ subset $X\subseteq AP_{\Lambda}(\mathbf{R})$,
such that for all $v\in X$ the operator $H_v$ has a nowhere dense spectrum.

Some problems of spectral stability


Yoram Last


Hebrew University, Jerusalem


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The talk will discuss the stability of spectral properties of
Schroedinger operators under the decaying perturbation potentials. The
primary focus will be on one-dimensional operators and preservation of
absolutely continuous spectrum. The talk will review some known results,
present new results, and discuss some open problems and conjectures.

Localization for deterministic and multi-particle quantum systems


victor Tchoulaevski


Universite de Reims, France


Thursday, April 27, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We prove an analog of Wegner's estimate for the density of states (DS)
volumes for certain families of lattice Schrdinger operators (LSO) with
random potential
generated by a {\it deterministic } dynamical system. We call such
Ensembles". The main assumption about the underlying dynamics is given in
terms of the
typical rate of returns to initial point, so it is very "mild" and general.
Although our
finite-volume estimates are much weaker than Wegner's estimate for
potentials and do not imply regularity (or even existence) of the limiting
DS, they allow
to adapt the MSA by von Dreifus -- Klein to {\it generic } deterministic
LSO. While the
localization results are somewhat weaker than those by Bourgain --
Goldstein -- Schlag,
our proof is simpler, modulo existing MSA techniques.

In this talk, we also outline a new adaptation of the von Dreifus --
Klein MSA scheme to
localization in lattice systems of interacting quantum particles in common
random potential with independent values (joint project with Yu. Suhov,
University, UK). We believe that our method of Grand Ensembles applies as
well to
multi-particle systems in deterministic external potential.

Giambelli compatible point processes


Eugene Strahov




Thursday, May 4, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We distinguish a class of random point processes which we call
Giambelli compatible point processes. Our definition was partly
inspired by determinantal identities for averages of products and
ratios of characteristic polynomials for random matrices.
It is closely related to the classical Giambelli formula for Schur symmetric functions.

We show that orthogonal polynomial ensembles, z-measures on
partitions, and spectral measures of characters of generalized
regular representations of the infinite symmetric group generate
Giambelli compatible point processes. In particular, we prove
determinantal identities for averages of analogs of characteristic
polynomials for partitions.

Our approach provides a direct derivation of determinantal
formulas for correlation functions

Basic Properties of the Current-Current Correlation Measure for Random Schrodinger Operators


Olivier Lenoble




Thursday, March 2, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The current-current correlation function plays a crucial role in the
Mott theory of conductivity for disordered systems. We prove a Pastur-Shubin-type formula for the current-current correlation function 02expressing it as a thermodynamic limit. We prove that the limit is
independent of the self-adjoint boundary conditions and independent of a
large family of expanding regions. We relate this ^nite-volume de^nition
to the de^nition obtained by using the in^nite-volume operators and the
trace-per-unit volume.

Phase Transitions in Quantum Spin Systems at Positive Temperature


Shannon Starr




Thursday, March 9, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Phase transitions in classical spin systems are well understood,
however phase transitions in quantum spin systems are not ... at least
that is what most mathematicians would say. (If anything, they might
question how well we even understand classical spin systems.) Physicists,
on the other hand, say that if the classical model has a phase transition,
then the quantum model does as well. We will prove that, for some special
models. The main tools are reflection positivity, coherent states, and a
new result which generalizes the Berezin-Lieb inequality to the level of
matrix elements.

Hardy inequalities for simply connected planar domains


Alexander Sobolev


University of Birmingham, UK


Thursday, April 6, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

In 1986 A. Ancona showed, using the Koebe one-quarter Theorem, that for a simply-connected planar domain the constant in the Hardy inequality with the distance to the boundary is greater than or equal to 1/16. We consider classes of domains for which there is a stronger version of the Koebe Theorem. This implies better estimates for the constant appearing in the Hardy inequality.


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