Mathematics Teaching Seminar


Phil Collins (Physics), Sarah Eichhorn (Math), Cynthia Northrup (Math)


UC Irvine


Thursday, November 14, 2013 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

Please join us for the first Mathematics Teaching Seminar! This seminar will be held once a quarter and will feature three 20-minute talks highlighting innovative instructional practices, mathematics education research and other teaching related items.
This first seminar will feature the following talks:

  • "Problem Solving through Active Learning in Physics 2" - Phil Collins, Professor of Physics, UCI
  • "Learning Proof Writing by Grading Incorrect Proofs" - Sarah Eichhorn, Mathematics & Distance Learning Center, UCI
  • "Encouraging Participation in a College Mathematics Classroom" - Cynthia Northrup, Mathematics Graduate Student, UCI

Risk, Return and Ross Recovery


Dr. Peter Carr


Morgan Stanley


Monday, October 7, 2013 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm


Natural Sciences 2, room 1201

Math Finance Seminar

Dr. Peter Carr

Global Head of Market
Modeling Managing Director
Morgan Stanley

Title: Risk, Return and Ross Recovery

Abstract: Recently, Stephen Ross has shown that the real-world transition probabilities of a finite state Markov chain can be recovered from Arrow Debreu security prices by assuming that the pricing kernel enjoys transition independence. We motivate this restriction by deriving it as a consequence of restricting the form and dynamics of the numeraire portfolio. Working with a diffusion process for a short interest rate, we indicate how one can recover real world transition probabilities on both bounded and unbounded domains.

Light refreshments will be served.


The Science Behind Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak


Gunther Uhlmann




Saturday, May 5, 2012 - 11:00am


Bio Sciences III, Room 1200

Abstract: Can we make objects invisible? This has been a subject of human fascination for millennia in Greek mythology, movies, science fiction, etc. including the legend of Perseus versus Medusa and the more recent Star Trek and Harry Potter. In the last decade or so there have been several scientific proposals to achieve invisibility. We will introduce some of these in a non-technical fashion concentrating on the so-called "transformation optics" that has received the most attention in the scientific literature.

Secrets of Mental Math


Professor Arthur Benjamin


Harvey Mudd College


Thursday, January 12, 2012 - 12:00pm


UCI Student Center, Pacific Ballroom C

The Mathematics Department at UCI, with the support of NSF RTG grant DMS-1044150, is proud to present "Secrets of Mental Math," a breathtaking show by the great mathemagician Dr. Arthur Benjamin.

The event is part of a math seminar series for undergraduates and will take place on January 12th from 12 to 1 p.m. in Pacific Ballroom C, at the UCI Student Center. The event is free and open to the public.

Dr. Arthur Benjamin is both a professor of mathematics and a magician. He has combined his skills to create a dynamic presentation called "Mathemagics", suitable for all audiences, where he demonstrates and explains his secrets for performing rapid mental calculations faster than a calculator. Dr. Benjamin has presented his high energy talk for thousands of groups throughout the world, including many colleges and universities. He has appeared on many television shows and radio programs, including: The Today Show, CNN, The Colbert Report, and National Public Radio. He has been profiled in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Scientific American, Discover Magazine, Omni Magazine, Esquire Magazine, People Magazine, Wired and Reader's Digest.

Dr. Benjamin received a standing ovation when he presented part of his show at the TED 2005 meeting. Since the talk went online, it has been viewed over a million times. Reader's Digest calls him "America's Best Math Whiz".

For more information on Dr. Benjamin, please visit his website at:

For a preview of his show, please go to:

Recruiting more students to take mathematics courses


Associate Professor Michael Dorff


Brigham Young University


Thursday, October 20, 2011 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

In a recent survey of MAA members, 73% of the respondents listed "attracting students to the major" as a big issues that needs more attention. I will discuss some principles and specific activities that we have used to increase the number of students taking mathematics courses and becoming math majors. Some principles include exposing students to careers and opportunities available to those who study mathematics, promoting undergraduate research and internships for math majors, creating a supportive environment, and being proactive in your efforts. Along the way, I will talk about some specific activities such as our "Careers in Mathematics" seminar, a freshman/sophomore class titled "Intro to being a math major," the creation of a student advisory council that suggests ways to improve the department, our internship and undergraduate research program for math majors, and the "We Use Math" website.


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