iCamp (Interdisciplinary Computational and Applied Mathematics) is an exciting new opportunity for Mathematics undergraduate students under the direction of Jack Xin (mathematics), Hongkai Zhao (mathematics), Sarah Eichhorn (mathematics), and Max... more

Let us congratulate Professor Frederic Wan who was named a SIAM Fellow for his contributions to the theory of elasticity and to developmental biology, and for... more

Professor Dick Palais, of the Mathematics Department in UC Irvine, jointly with his collaborator artist Luc Benard, are the winners of the first place of the... more

University of California, Irvine
Department of Mathematics
Distinguished Lecture Series

... more

In accordance with UC Irvine's Administrative Recess, the Mathematics Department Office will be closed on the following dates:

December 21st, 2009 through January 1st, 2010

We will resume normal business hours on Monday,... more

Congratulations to Andres Forero who won a Miguel Velez fellowship for 2010 through a campus-wide competition! Andres is a first year graduate student specializing in Logic.

Let us congratulate mathematics Professor Christian Sadel, who received "Professor of the Month" for November 2009 from the Campus Village Housing. This Housing has over 770 continuing and transfer undergraduate students. The residents... more
