
Anna Maltsev




RH 306

We extend some recent results of Lubinsky, Levin, Simon, and Totik
from measures with compact support to spectral measures of
Schr\"odinger operators on the half-line. In particular, we define a
reproducing kernel $S_L$ for Schr\"odinger operators and we use it to
study the fine spacing of eigenvalues in a box of the half-line
Schr\"odinger operator with perturbed periodic potential. We show that
if solutions $u(\xi, x)$ are bounded in $x$ by $e^{\epsilon x}$
uniformly for $\xi$ near the spectrum in an average sense and the
spectral measure is positive and absolutely continuous in a bounded
interval $I$ in the interior of the spectrum with $\xi_0\in I$, then
uniformly in $I$
$$\frac{S_L(\xi_0 + a/L, \xi_0 + b/L)}{S_L(\xi_0, \xi_0)} \rightarrow
\frac{\sin(\pi\rho(\xi_0)(a - b))}{\pi\rho(\xi_0)(a - b)},$$ where
$\rho(\xi)d\xi$ is the density of states.
We deduce that the eigenvalues near $\xi_0$ in a large box of size $L$
are spaced asymptotically as $\frac{1}{L\rho}$. We adapt the methods
used to show similar results for orthogonal polynomials.