
Joint Seminar


Monday, November 5, 2018 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm


Linde 310

Chris Gerig (Harvard): SW = Gr
Whenever the Seiberg-Witten (SW) invariants of a 4-manifold X are defined, there exist certain 2-forms on X which are symplectic away from some circles. When there are no circles, i.e. X is symplectic, Taubes' ``SW=Gr'' theorem asserts that the SW invariants are equal to well-defined counts of J-holomorphic curves (Taubes' Gromov invariants). In this talk I will describe an extension of Taubes' theorem to non-symplectic X: there are well-defined counts of J-holomorphic curves in the complement of these circles, which recover the SW invariants. This ``Gromov invariant'' interpretation was originally conjectured by Taubes in 1995.

Biji Wong (CIRGET Montreal): A Floer homology invariant for 3-orbifolds via bordered Floer theory
Using bordered Floer theory, we construct an invariant for 3-orbifolds with singular set a knot that generalizes the hat flavor of Heegaard Floer homology. We show that for a large class of 3-orbifolds the orbifold invariant behaves like HF-hat in that the orbifold invariant, together with a relative Z_2-grading, categorifies the order of H_1^orb. When the 3-orbifold arises as Dehn surgery on an integer-framed knot in S^3, we use the {-1,0,1}-valued knot invariant epsilon to determine the relationship between the orbifold invariant and HF-hat of the 3-manifold underlying the 3-orbifold.