Can one make objects invisible?


Professor Gunther Uhlmann


University of Washington


Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The subject of invisibility has fascinated people for thousands
of years. There has recently been considerable theoretical and practical
progress in understanding how to cloak objects. We will discuss some of
the recent work on the subject of invisibility which involves using
singular electromagnetic parameters, or singular Riemannian metrics.

Computational surface partial differential equations


Professor Charlie Elliott


University of Sussex


Thursday, March 15, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Partial differential equations on and for evolving surfaces occur in many applications.
For example, traditionally they arise naturally in fluid dynamics and materials
science and more recently in the mathematics of images.
In this talk we describe computational approaches to the formulation and
approximation of transport and diffusion of a material quantity on an
evolving surface.
We also have in mind a surface which not only evolves in the normal direction
so as to define the surface evolution but also has a tangential velocity
associated with the motion of material points in the surface which advects material
quantities such as heat or mass.This is joint work with G. Dziuk

Universality for mathematical and physical systems


Professor Percy Deift


Courant Institute


Thursday, November 2, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

All physical systems in equilibrium obey the laws of
thermodynamics. In other words, whatever the precise nature of the
interaction between the atoms and molecules at the microscopic level,
at the macroscopic level, physical systems exhibit universal behavior in
the sense that they are all governed by the same laws and formulae of

The speaker will recount some recent history of universality ideas in
physics starting with Wigner's model for the scattering of neutrons
off large nuclei and show how these ideas have led mathematicians to
investigate universal behavior for a variety of mathematical systems.
This is true not only for systems which have a physical origin, but also
for systems which arise in a purely mathematical context such as the
Riemann hypothesis, and a version of the card game solitaire called
patience sorting.

The Distribution Functions of Random Matrix Theory


Professor Craig Tracy


UC Davis


Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

It is now believed, but proved only in a few cases, that the distribution
of random matrix theory are universal for a wide class of stochastic
problems in combinatorics,
growth processes, and statistics. These developments will be surveyed.
No prior knowledge
of random matrix theory will be assumed.

Compressive Sampling


Professor Emmanuel Candes




Thursday, November 9, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

Conventional wisdom and common practice in acquisition and
reconstruction of images from frequency data follows the basic
principle of the Nyquist density sampling theory. This principle
states that to reconstruct an image, the number of Fourier samples we
need to acquire must match the desired resolution of the image, i.e.
the number of pixels in the image.

This talk introduces a newly emerged sampling theory which shows that
this conventional wisdom is inaccurate. We show that perhaps
surprisingly, images or signals of scientific interest can be
recovered accurately and sometimes even exactly from a limited number
of nonadaptive random measurements. In effect, the talk introduces a
theory suggesting "the possibility of compressed data acquisition
protocols which perform as if it were possible to directly acquire
just the important information about the image of interest." In other
words, by collecting a comparably small number of measurements rather
than pixel values, one could in principle reconstruct an image with
essentially the same resolution as that one would obtain by measuring
all the pixels, a phenomenon with far reaching implications.

The reconstruction algorithms are very concrete, stable (in the sense
that they degrade smoothly as the noise level increases) and
practical; in fact, they only involve solving convenient convex
optimization programs. If time allows, I will discuss connections
with other fields such as statistics and coding theory.

Estimation and Prediction with HIV Treatment Interruption Data


H. Thomas Banks


Center for Research in Scientific Computation, N.C. State University


Thursday, February 16, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We consider longitudinal clinical data for HIV patients undergoing treatment interrupt
ions. We use a nonlinear dynamical mathematical model in attempts to fit individual pa
tient data. A statistically-based censored data method is combined with inverse proble
m techniques to estimate dynamic parameters. The predictive capabilities of this appro
ach are demonstrated by comparing simulations based on estimation of parameters using
only half of the longitudinal observations to the full longitudinal data sets.


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