Using YouTube to enhance student learning.


Peyam Tabrizian


Texas A&M


Thursday, January 27, 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Location: Meeting ID: 992 0781 6721 One tap mobile +16699006833,,99207816721# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,99207816721# US (Houston)


In this talk, I will present my YouTube channel Dr Peyam and share some creative ways you can use YouTube in your teaching. I will also mention contributions to diversity, as well as possible undergraduate projects on chemical reactions and (time-permitting) Kolmogorov-type flows. 

The Geometry of Learning Adaptively


Anna Ma




Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


Binary classification with linear classifiers is a fundamental problem in machine learning with broad applications. Traditionally, this problem focuses on using labeled data to learn a linear classifier, but data is often expensive to label or difficult to acquire. Instead of labeling all data points in a data set, we consider labeling a specially chosen subset of points and ask how well we can accomplish our learning task. To answer this question, we will reformulate this problem into the context of Gaussian spherical tessellations and study geometric properties of such tessellations. This work is joint with Rayan Saab and Eric Lybrand.

Modeling and analysis of zebrafish-skin patterns


Alexandria Volkening


Northwestern University


Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm





Many natural and social phenomena involve individual agents coming together to create group dynamics, whether they are cells in a skin pattern, voters in an election, or pedestrians in a crowded room. Here I will focus on the example of pattern formation in zebrafish, which are named for the dark and light stripes that appear on their bodies and fins. Mutant zebrafish, on the other hand, feature different patterns, including spots and labyrinth curves. All these patterns form as the fish grow due to the interactions of tens of thousands of pigment cells. The longterm motivation for my work is to better link genotype, cell behavior, and phenotype — I seek to identify the specific alterations to cell interactions that lead to mutant patterns. Toward this goal, I develop agent-based models to simulate pattern formation and make experimentally testable predictions. In this talk, I will overview my models and highlight several future directions. Because agent-based models are not analytically tractable using traditional techniques, I will also discuss the topological methods that we have developed to quantitatively describe cell-based patterns, as well as the associated nonlocal continuum limits of my models.

Topological and Geometric Data Analysis Meets Data-driven Biology


Zixuan Cang




Tuesday, January 12, 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm




Topological and geometric data analysis (TGDA) is a powerful framework for quantitative description and simplification of datasets & shapes. It is especially suitable for modern biological data that are intrinsically complex and high-dimensional. Traditional topological data analysis considers the geometric features of a dataset, while in practice, there could be both geometric and non-geometric features. In this talk, I will introduce a persistent cohomology based method, enriched barcode to embed the non-geometric features in the topological invariants. I will then talk about a geometric method, unnormalized optimal transport for integrating heterogeneous datasets which is crucial for generating a comprehensive topological perspective for the system of interest. Scientific data often have limited size and high complexity, and a straightforward application of machine learning to raw data could result in suboptimal performances. To tackle this challenge, we integrate the TGDA method designed for biological data with deep learning. This topology-based deep learning strategy achieves top performance on standard benchmarks and D3R Grand Challenges, a worldwide competition series in computer-aided drug design. I will also show several applications of our geometric method to the analysis and integration of single-cell omics data. Finally, I will discuss future directions on data-driven modeling using topology, geometry, and machine learning-based approaches.
















Modeling & data science of stochastic organization in the mitotic spindle


Christopher Miles




Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm




For cells to divide, they must undergo mitosis: the process of spatially organizing their copied DNA (chromosomes) to precise locations in the cell. This procedure is carried out by stochastic components that manage to accomplish the task with astonishing speed and accuracy. Recent experimental advances from collaborators with NY State Department of Health provide 3D spatial trajectories of every chromosome in a cell during mitosis. Can these trajectories tell us anything about the mechanisms driving them? The structure and content of this cutting-edge data makes applying common particle trajectory and classical data science ideas difficult to apply. I will discuss progress on developing data science tools for this data and mathematical modeling of emergent phenomena.


Inference of gene expression trajectories and statistical optimal transport


Jan-Christian Hütter


Broad Institute


Monday, January 11, 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm




Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) enables the collection of rich phenotypic information of individual cells. During this sequencing process, each cell is destroyed, which poses challenges in the analysis of time-course data of heterogeneous populations since cell trajectories need to be computationally inferred. Standard trajectory inference methods approximate the transcriptional spectrum of all time points combined by a graph, not leveraging information about the time-points at which the profiles were captured. The recently proposed Waddington-OT algorithm instead appeals to the theory of optimal transport to infer probabilistic couplings between different time points. First, as an example of the benefits and drawbacks of these methods, I will show how we applied them to a problem in immunology, revealing previously unknown effector state potential of tissue-resident innate lymphoid cells. Second, I will discuss issues with the sample efficiency of optimal transport methods in high-dimensions and two approaches to overcome this problem. The first approach relies on the notion of the transport rank of a probabilistic coupling and I will provide empirical and theoretical evidence that it can be used to significantly improve the rates of estimation of optimal transport distances and plans. The second approach relies on a wavelet regularization and admits near minimax optimal rates for the estimation of smooth optimal transport maps.


Chaos and emergent computation in biological dynamics


William Gilpin


Harvard Quantitative Biology Initiative


Friday, January 15, 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm




Experimental measurements of biological systems often have a limited number of independent channels, hindering the construction of interpretable models of living processes. Dynamical systems theory provides a rich set of tools for inferring underlying mathematical structure from partial observations, yet translating these insights to real-world biological datasets remains challenging. In this talk, I will overview my recent work at the intersection of nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and biology. I will first focus on my recent work on developing physics-informed machine learning algorithms that extract dynamical models directly from raw experimental data. I will present a general technique for inferring strange attractors directly from diverse biological time series, including gene expression, patient electrocardiograms, fitness trackers, and neural spiking. Next, I will next discuss my efforts to apply concepts from dynamical systems theory to understand particular biological phenomena. I will describe my work on biological fluid dynamics, and the discovery of a beautiful vortex crystal formed by the swimming strokes of early-diverging animals—which enables a novel feeding strategy based on chaotic mixing of the local microenvironment. I will relate this work to broader questions at the intersection of nonlinear dynamics and organismal behavior. I will conclude by discussing how these insights open up several exciting new avenues at the intersection of dynamical systems theory, systems biology, and machine learning.



Traveling waves and patterns in multiple-timescale dynamical systems


Paul Carter


University of Minnesota


Friday, October 9, 2020 - 4:00am to 5:00am




Systems with multiple timescales, in which the dynamics separate into slow and fast components, occur ubiquitously in models of physical, biological and ecological processes. In this talk I will focus on two example applications: the dynamics of vegetation patterns in water-limited regions and the propagation of impulses along nerve fibers. These processes can be modeled by reaction diffusion PDEs in which the patterns arise as traveling wave solutions. The slow/fast timescale separation induces a geometry on the underlying equations which can be exploited to gain insight into the structure and stability of these patterns.


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Invariant theory meets P vs NP


Visu Makam


Princeton University


Friday, January 31, 2020 - 4:00pm to 4:50pm

The study of symmetries in the setting of group actions via “invariant” polynomials is called invariant theory. Throughout the 20th century, invariant theory has had a profound influence in several fields in mathematics, most notably those that fall under the broad purview of algebra. Over the last two decades, new directions in invariant theory have emerged out of connections to computational complexity. Particularly exciting is the Geometric Complexity Theory (GCT) program that has uncovered connections between invariant theory and foundational problems in complexity such as identity testing and the celebrated P vs NP problem.

In this talk, I will discuss recent advances in invariant theory concerning matrix invariants and semi-invariants, (non-commutative) identity testing, null cones and orbit closures. Towards the end, I will discuss some very promising directions for the future in this rapidly expanding field. Based on several joint works with Harm Derksen, Ankit Garg, Rafael Oliveira, and Avi Wigderson.

The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, one prime at a time


Florian Sprung


Arizona State University


Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 4:00pm to 4:50pm


RH 306

Elliptic curves are simple-looking polynomial equations in two variables whose solutions are still a mystery. The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture (a millennium problem) relates these solutions to a complex function. The conjecture is deep because it connects algebra with analysis. After explaining the conjecture, we discuss some recent results towards it, along with strategies of proving it one prime at a time.


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