Bogomolov-Gieseker inequality for log terminal Kahler threefolds


Henri Guenancia


Université Paul Sabatier


Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

In this joint work with Mihai Paun, we show that a so-called Q-sheaf on a log terminal Kahler threefold satisfies a suitable Bogomolov-Gieseker inequality as soon as it is stable with respect to a Kahler class. I will discuss the strategy of the proof as well as some applications if time permits.

A family of Kahler flying wing steady Ricci solitons


Ronan Conlon


University of Texas, Dallas


Tuesday, November 12, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

Steady Kahler-Ricci solitons are eternal solutions of the Kahler-Ricci flow. I will present new examples of such solitons with strictly positive sectional curvature that live on C^n and provide an answer to an open question of H.-D. Cao in complex dimension 2. This is joint work with Pak-Yeung Chan and Yi Lai.

The (spherical) Mahler measure of the X-discriminant


Sean Paul


University of Wisconsin, Madison


Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm



RH 306

Let P be a homogeneous polynomial in N+1 complex variables of degree d. The logarithmic Mahler Measure of P (denoted by m(P) ) is the integral of log|P| over the sphere in C^{N+1} with respect to the usual Hermitian metric and measure on the sphere.  Now let X be a smooth variety embedded in CP^N by a high power of an ample line bundle and let $\Delta$ denote a generalized discriminant of X wrt the given embedding , then $\Delta$ is an irreducible homogeneous polynomial in the appropriate space of variables.  In this talk I will discuss work in progress whose aim is to find an asymptotic expansion of m(\Delta) in terms of elementary functions of the degree of the embedding.  

Isotopy problems in symplectic geometry in dimension four and geometric flows


Weiyong He


U of Oregon


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

We will discuss the isotopy problem of symplectic forms in a fixed symplectic class on compact four manifolds.

We will introduce a nonlinear Hodge flow for a general approach. We will also discuss the hypersymplectic flow, introduced by Fine-Yao to study hypersymplectic four manifolds.

Generalizing curve diffusion flow in higher dimension and codimension


Jingyi Chen


U of British Columbia


Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

We introduce a 4th order flow moving Lagrangian submanifolds in a symplectic manifold. The flow evolves within a Hamiltonian isotopy class and is a gradient flow for volume, and it exists uniquely in shorttime and can be extended if the 2nd fundamental form is bounded. 
This is joint work with Micah Warren.

G_2 and SU(3) manifolds via spinors.


Ilka Agricola


University of Marburg


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

Abstract: We present a uniform description of  SU(3) structures in dimension 6 as well as  G_2 structures in dimension 7 in terms of a characterising spinor and the spinorial field equations it satisfies. We apply the results to hypersurface theory to obtain new embedding theorems, and give a general recipe for building conical manifolds. The approach sheds new light on connections with torsion and their invariants.

Fibrations on the 6-sphere


Jeff Viaclovsky


UC Irvine


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



ISEB 1200

Let be a compact, connected 3-dimensional complex manifold with vanishing first and second Betti numbers and non-vanishing Euler characteristic. We prove that there is no holomorphic mapping from Z onto any 2-dimensional complex space. Combining this with a result of Campana-Demailly-Peternell, a corollary is that any holomorphic mapping from the 6-dimensional sphere S^6, endowed with any hypothetical complex structure, to a strictly lower-dimensional complex space must be constant. In other words, there does not exist any holomorphic fibration on S^6. This is joint work with Nobuhiro Honda.

Free boundary minimal surfaces via Allen-Cahn equation


Martin Li


Chinese University of Hong Kong


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 4:00pm



ISEB 1200

It is well known that the semi-linear elliptic Allen-Cahn equation arising in phase transition theory is closely related to the theory of minimal surfaces. Earlier works of Modica and Sternberg et. al in the 1970’s studied minimizing solutions in the framework of De Giorgi’s Gamma-convergence theory. The more profound regularity theory for stationary and stable solutions were obtained by the deep work of Tonegawa and Wickramasekera, building upon the celebrated Schoen-Simon regularity theory for stable minimal hypersurfaces. This is recently used by Guaraco to develop a new approach to min-max constructions of minimal hypersurfaces via the Allen-Cahn equation. In this talk, we will discuss about the boundary behaviour for limit interfaces arising in the Allen-Cahn equation on bounded domains (or, more generally, on compact manifolds with boundary). In particular, we show that, under uniform energy bounds, any such limit interface is a free boundary minimal hypersurface in the generalised sense of varifolds. Moreover, we establish the up-to-the-boundary integer rectifiability of the limit varifold. If time permits, we will also discuss what we expect in the case of stable solutions. This is on-going joint work with Davide Parise (UCSD) and Lorenzo Sarnataro (Princeton). This work is substantially supported by research grants from Hong Kong Research Grants Council and National Science Foundation China. 


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