Stable Horizons and the Penrose Conjecture


Henri Roesch


UC Irvine


Tuesday, March 6, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

In the first half of the talk, we introduce a new quasi-local mass with interesting properties along null flows off of a 2-sphere in spacetime or, equivalently, foliations of a null cone. We also show how certain, fairly generic, convexity assumptions on the null cone allows for a proof of the Penrose Conjecture. On the Black Hole Horizon, we find that the convexity assumptions become sharp; therefore, the second half of the talk will explore the existence of a class of Black Hole Horizons admitting such convexity. From this, building upon the work of S. Alexakis, we will show that the Schwarzschild Null Cone--the case of equality for the Penrose Conjecture--is also critical in light of recent work on the perturbation of stable, weakly isolated Horizons.



On Hamiltonian Gromov-Witten theory for symplectic reductions


Rui Wang


UC Irvine


Tuesday, November 7, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 306

In this talk, I will first review our work on defining a new quantum deformation for the (Chen-Ruan) cohomology ring of a symplectic reduction. Then I will explain the relation between this quantum deformation and the well-known quantum cohomology ring. Our construction is based on the study of moduli spaces of symplectic vortices with proper metrics. This is a joint project with B. Chen and B. Wang.

Algebraic Gluing of Holomorphic Discs in K3 Surfaces and Tropical Geometry


Yu-Shen Lin


Harvard CMSA


Monday, October 30, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 340P

We will start from the motivation of the tropical geometry. Then
we will explain how to use Lagrangian Floer theory to establish the
correspondence between the weighted counting of tropical curves to the
counting of holomorphic discs in K3 surfaces. In particular, the result
provides the existence of new holomorphic discs which do not come easily
from direct gluing argument.



Minimizers of the sharp Log entropy on manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature and flatness


Qi Zhang


UC Riverside


Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 4:00pm



RH 306

Consider the scaling invariant, sharp log entropy (functional)
introduced by Weissler on noncompact manifolds with nonnegative Ricci
curvature. It can also be regarded as a sharpened version of
Perelman's W entropy  in the stationary case. We prove that it has a
minimizer if and only if the manifold is isometric to $\R^n$.
Using this result, it is proven that a class of noncompact manifolds
with nonnegative Ricci curvature is isometric to $\R^n$. Comparing
with some well known flatness results in on asymptotically flat
manifolds and asymptotically locally Euclidean (ALE) manifolds, their
decay or integral condition on the curvature tensor is replaced by the
condition that the metric converges to the Euclidean one in C1 sense
at infinity. No second order condition on the metric is needed.

Tangent cones of Yang-Mills connections with applications to G2 instantons


Adam Jacob


UC Davis


Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

The study of tangent cones in geometric analysis is an important tool in understanding the structure at a singular point of a geometric equation. In this talk I will discuss how to uniquely identify the tangent cone of a Yang-Mills connection with isolated singularity in the complex setting, given an initial assumption on the complex structure of the bundle. I will then discuss applications to a project with the goal of constructing examples of singular G2 instantons, using the twisted connected sum construction. This is joint work with H. Sa Earp and T. Walpuski.

Four-dimensional shrinking Ricci solitons with nonnegative isotropic curvature


Xiaolong Li


UC Irvine


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 306

We show that a four-dimensional complete gradient shrinking Ricci
soliton with positive isotropic curvature is either a quotient of S^4 or
a quotient of S^3 x R. We also give a classification result on
four-dimensional gradient shrinking Ricci solitons with non-negative
isotropic curvature. This is joint work with Lei Ni and Kui Wang.

Non-Kahler Ricci flow singularities that converge to Kahler-Ricci solitons


Dan Knopf


UT Austin


Tuesday, February 13, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm



RH 306

We describe Riemannian (non-Kahler) Ricci flow solutions that develop finite-time Type-I singularities whose parabolic dilations converge to a shrinking Kahler–Ricci soliton singularity model. More specifically, the singularity model for these solutions is the “blowdown soliton” discovered in 2003 by Feldman, Ilmanen, and the speaker. Our results support the conjecture that the blowdown soliton is stable under Ricci flow. This work also provides the first set of rigorous examples of non-Kahler solutions of Ricci flow that become asymptotically Kahler, in suitable space-time neighborhoods of developing singularities, at rates that break scaling invariance. These results support the conjectured stability of the subspace of Kahler metrics under Ricci flow.

Localizing the Fukaya category of a Stein manifold


Sheel Ganatra




Tuesday, November 28, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 306

We introduce a new class of non-compact symplectic manifolds called
Liouville sectors and show they have well-behaved, covariantly functorial
Fukaya categories.  Stein manifolds frequently admit coverings by Liouville
sectors, which can be used to understand the Fukaya category of the total
space (we will study this geometry in examples). Our first main result in
this setup is a local-to-global criterion for generating Fukaya categories.
Our eventual goal is to obtain a combinatorial presentation of the Fukaya
category of any Stein manifold. This is joint work (in progress) with John
Pardon and Vivek Shende.

Holomorphic isometries from the Poincare disc into bounded symmetric domains


Yuan Yuan


Syracuse University


Tuesday, September 26, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


RH 306

I will first overview the classical holomorphic isometry problem between complex manifolds, in particular between bounded symmetric domains. When the source is the unit ball, in general the characterization of holomorphic isometries to bounded symmetric domains is not quite clear. With Shan Tai Chan, we recently characterized the holomorphic isometries from the Poincare disc to the product of the unit disc with the unit ball and it  provided new examples of holomorphic isometries from the Poincare disc into irreducible bounded symmetric domains of rank at least 2.




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