Some connections between almost periodic and periodic discrete Schrdinger operators with trigonometric potentials


Mira Shamis




Thursday, February 24, 2011 - 2:00pm


RH 306

We study discrete Schr ̈odinger operators with trigonomet-
ric potentials. In particular, we are interested in the connection be-
tween the absolutely continuous spectrum in the almost periodic case
and the spectra in the periodic case. We prove a weak form of a precise
conjecture relating the two.
We also bound the measure of the spectrum in the periodic case in
terms of the Lyapunov exponent in the almost periodic case.
In the proofs, we use a partial generalization of Chambers formula.
As an additional application of this generalization, we provide a new
proof of Hermans lower bound for the Lyapunov exponent.

Extinction and percolation in the spatially inhomogeneous continuous time percolation model.


Rajinder Mavi




Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 2:00pm


RH 306

We discuss the continuous time percolation model in an ergodically defined
environment. Under minimal assumptions on the ergodic system, we show the
existence of sets of sampling functions with percolation or extinction
showing that the latter are dense open. We also discuss the related
spatially inhomogeneous continuous time random cluster model and the
topological properties of sets of sampling functions corresponding to
percolation and decay.

Absolutely continuous spectrum for random Schr\"odinger Operators on the Bethe Strip


Christian Sadel




Thursday, December 2, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 306

The Bethe strip is essentially the cartesian product of the Bethe lattice
with a finite set. Using supersymmetric integrals we show absolutely
continuous spectrum for random Schr\"odinger Operators with small random
matrix potential. The proof extends Abel Klein's original proof for a.c.
spectrum on the Bethe lattice. The considered models include the Anderson
moodel on the product of a finite graph with the Bethe lattice and the
Wegner m-orbital model on the Bethe lattice for a fixed number of

Analytic quasi-periodic cocycles with singularities - Lyapunov exponent and spectral theory for extended Harper's model


Christoph Marx




Thursday, November 18, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

Extended Harper's model arises in a tight binding description of 2
dimensional crystal layers subject to an external magnetic field. From a
dynamical point of view the model provides an example for a quasi-periodic
analytic Jacobi-cocyle with singularities.

In the first part of the talk, we show how to extend (and with what
Avila's global theory of analytic SL(2,C) cocycles to families of cocycles
with singularities. In particular, we shall introduce a strategy of
computing the Lyapunov exponent valid for any analytic cocycle with
possible singularities.

As an application this allows to determine the Lyapunov exponent for
extended Harper's model, for all values of parameters, which so far did
not even exist on a heuristic level in physics literature.

In the second part of our talk, results on the spectral analysis of the
extended Harper's model will be presented.

Nucleation pulses in the Becker-Doring model, and its applicability to condensation of a lattice gas


Vitaly Schneidman


New Jersey Institute of Technology


Thursday, November 4, 2010 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

In the first part of the talk I will introduce the Becker-Doring
nucleation equation and describe its singular perturbation solution under
time-dependent conditions of a nucleation pulse. In the second part, I
will discuss a supersaturated lattice gas on a square lattice, where
steady-state and time-dependent nucleation can be described from first
principles. Comparison confirms qualitative (not quantitative) validity of
the Becker-Doring model at not too small temperatures T , but also reveals
its limitations due to neglect of "magic numbers", which become prominent
as T -> 0 .


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