Expanders: from arithmetic to combinatorics and back


von Neumann Early Career Fellow Alexander Gamburd


Institute for Advanced Study


Thursday, November 29, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Expanders are highly-connected sparse graphs widely used in computer science. The optimal expanders (Ramanujan graphs) were constructed in 1988 by Margulis, Lubotzky, Phillips and Sarnak using deep results from the theory of automorphic forms. In recent joint work with Bourgain and Sarnak tools from additive combinatorics were used to prove that a wide class of "congruence graphs" are expanders; this expansion property plays a crucial role in establishing novel sieving results.

Curves, their jacobians and endomorphisms


Professor Yuri Zarhin


Pennsylvania State University


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

A smooth plane projective cubic curve (also known as an elliptic curve or a curve of genus 1) carries a natural structure of a commutative group: the addition is defined geometrically by the "chord and tangent method". An attempt "to add" points on a curve of arbitrary positive genus g leads to the notion of the jacobian of the curve. This jacobian is a g-dimensional commutative algebraic group that is a projective algebraic variety; in particular, it cannot be realized as a matrix group. Geometric properties of jacobians play a crucial role in the study of arithmetic and geometric properties of curves involved. One of the most important geometric invariants of a jacobian is its endomorphism ring.

We discuss how to compute explicitly endomorphism rings of jacobians for certain interesting classes of curves that may be viewed as natural (and useful) generalizations of elliptic curves.

Generalized theta functions


Szego Assistant Professor Dragos Oprea


Stanford University


Monday, November 26, 2007 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

The Jacobian of any compact Riemann surface carries a natural theta divisor, which can be defined as the zero locus of an explicit function, the Riemann theta function. I will describe a generalization of this idea, which starts by replacing the Jacobian with the moduli space of sheaves over a Riemann surface or a higher dimensional base. These moduli spaces also carry theta divisors, described as zero loci of "generalized" theta functions. I will discuss recent progress in the study of generalized theta functions. In particular, I will emphasize an unexpected geometric duality between spaces of generalized theta functions, as well as its geometric consequences for the study of the moduli spaces of sheaves.

Proving projective determinacy


Professor Ralf Schindler


UC Berkeley and Universitaet Muenster, Germany


Monday, November 26, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The principle of projective determinacy, being independent from the standard axiom system of set theory, produces a fairly complete picture of the theory of "definable" sets of reals. It is an amazing fact that projective determinacy is implied by many apparently entirely unrelated statements. One has to go through inner model theory in order to prove such implications.

On the regularity of weak solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations in the largest critical space.


L.E. Dickson Instructor Alexey Cheskidov


University of Chicago


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

Even though the regularity problem for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations is far from been solved, numerous regularity criteria have been proved since the work of Leray. We will discuss some classical results as well as their extensions in Besov spaces.

The rough classification of Banach spaces.


Professor Christian Rosendal


University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The geometric theory of Banach spaces underwent a tremendous development in the decade 1990-2000 with the solution of several outstanding conjectures by Gowers, Maurey, Odell and Schlumprecht.

Their discoveries both hinted at a previously unknown richness of the class of separable Banach spaces and also laid the beginnings of a classification program for separable Banach spaces due to Gowers.

However, since the initial steps done by Gowers, little progress was made on the classification program. We shall discuss some recent advances due to V. Ferenczi and myself on this by means of Ramsey theory and dichotomy theorems for the structure of Banach spaces. This simultaneously allows us to answer some related questions of Gowers concerning the quasiorder of subspaces of a Banach space under the relation of isomorphic embeddability.

Fully nonlinear integro-differential equations.


Courant Instructor Luis Silvestre


Courant Institute


Monday, November 19, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We study nonlinear integro-differential equations. Typical examples are the ones that arise from stochastic control problems with discontinuous Levy processes. We can think of these as nonlinear equations of fractional order. Indeed, second order elliptic PDEs are limit cases for integro-differential equations. Our aim is to extend the theory of fully nonlinear elliptic equations to this class of equations. We are able to obtain a result analogous to the Alexandroff estimate, Harnack inequality and $C^{1,\alpha}$ regularity. As the order of the equation approaches two, in the limit our estimates become the usual regularity estimates for second order elliptic pdes. This is a joint work with Luis Caffarelli.

A p-adic approach to Hilbert's 12th problem


Professor Samit Dasgupta


Harvard University


Friday, November 16, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

It is well known that the square root of any integer can be written as a linear combination of roots of unity. A generalization of this fact is the "Kronecker-Weber Theorem", which states that in fact any element which generates an abelian Galois extension of the field of rational numbers Q can also be written as such a linear combination. The roots of unity may by viewed as the special values of the analytic function e(x) = exp(2*pi*i*x) where x is taken to be a rational number. Broadly speaking, Hilbert's 12th problem is to find an analogous result when Q is replaced by a general algebraic number field F, and in particular to find the analytic functions which play the role of e(x) in this general setting.

Hilbert's 12th problem has been solved in the case where F is an imaginary quadratic field, with the role of e(x) being played by certain modular forms. All other cases are, generally speaking, unresolved. In this talk I will discuss the case where F is a real quadratic field, and more generally, a totally real field. I will describe relevant conjectures of Stark and Gross, as well as current work using a p-adic approach and methods of Shintani. A proof of these conjectures would arguably provide a positive resolution of Hilbert's 12th problem in these cases.

Growth and Symmetry: Pattern Formation on Plants


National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow Patrick Shipman


University of Maryland


Monday, December 3, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Tiling planforms dominated by diamonds (such as the diamond-shaped seeds on a sunflower head), hexagons, or ridges (such as those on saguaro cacti) are observed on many plants. We analyze PDE models for the formation of these patterns that incorporate the effects of growth and biophysical and biochemical mechanisms. The aim is to understand both the underlying symmetries and the information specific to the mechanisms. The patterns are compared to Voronoi tessellations, and we will start to draw a bigger picture of growth and symmetry in biological systems.


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