An embedding theorem: differential geometry behind massive data analysis


Chen-Yun Lin


University of Toronto


Tuesday, May 23, 2017 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

High-dimensional data can be difficult to analyze. Assume data are distributed on a low-dimensional manifold. The Vector Diffusion Mapping (VDM), introduced by Singer-Wu, is a non-linear dimension reduction technique and is shown robust to noise. It has applications in cryo-electron microscopy and image denoising and has potential application in time-frequency analysis.

In this talk, I will present a theoretical analysis of the effectiveness of the VDM. Specifically, I will discuss parametrisation of the manifold and an embedding which is equivalent to the truncated VDM. In the differential geometry language, I use eigen-vector fields of the connection Laplacian operator to construct local coordinate charts that depend only on geometric properties of the manifold. Next, I use the coordinate charts to embed the entire manifold into a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. The proof of the results relies on solving the elliptic system and provide estimates for eigenvector fields and the heat kernel and their gradients.

The Sphere Covering Inequality and Its Applications


Amir Moradifam


UC Riverside


Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - 3:00pm



RH 306

We show that the total area of two distinct Gaussian curvature 1 surfaces with the same conformal factor on the boundary, which are also conformal to the Euclidean unit disk, must be at least 4π. In other words, the areas of these surfaces must cover the whole unit sphere after a proper rearrangement. We refer to this lower bound of total areas as the Sphere Covering Inequality. This inequality and it's generalizations are applied to a number of open problems related to Moser-Trudinger type inequalities, mean field equations and Onsager vortices, etc, and yield optimal results. In particular we confirm the best constant of a Moser-Truidinger type inequality conjectured by A. Chang and P. Yang in 1987. This is a joint work Changfeng Gui.


L^\infty-variation problems and the well-posedness of the viscosity solutions for a class of Aronsson's equations


Qianyun Miao


Beihang University and UCI


Tuesday, April 18, 2017 - 3:00pm



For a bounded domain, we consider the L^\infty-functional involving a nonnegative Hamilton function. Under the continuous Dirichlet boundary condition and some assumptions of Hamiltonian H, the uniqueness of absolute minimizers for Hamiltonian H is established. This extendes the uniqueness theorem to a larger class of Hamiltonian $H(x,p)$ with $x$-dependence. As a corollary, we confirm an open question on the uniqueness of absolute minimizers posed by Jensen-Wang-Yu. Our proofs rely on geometric structure of the action function induced by Hamiltonian H(x,p), and the identification of the absolute subminimality with convexity of the associated Hamilton-Jacobi flow.  

Full-dispersion shallow water models and the Benjamin-Feir instability


Vera Mikyoung Hur




Tuesday, June 6, 2017 - 3:00pm




 In the 1960s, Benjamin and Feir, and Whitham, discovered that a Stokes wave would be unstable to long wavelength perturbations, provided that (the carrier wave number) x (the undisturbed water depth) > 1.363.... In the 1990s, Bridges and Mielke studied the corresponding spectral instability in a rigorous manner. But it leaves some important issues open, such as the spectrum away from the origin. The governing equations of the water wave problem are complicated. One may resort to simpler approximate models to gain insights.

I will begin by Whitham's shallow water equation and the modulational instability index for small amplitude and periodic traveling waves, the effects of surface tension and vorticity. I will then discuss higher order corrections, extension to bidirectional propagation and two-dimensional surfaces. This is partly based on joint works with Jared Bronski (Illinois), Mat Johnson (Kansas), and Ashish Pandey (Illinois).

Mean Field Games with density constraints: pressure equals price


Alpár Richárd MÉSZÁROS




Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm




In the first part of this talk I will do a brief introduction to the recent theory of Mean Field Games (MFG) initiated by J.-M. Lasry and P.-L. Lions. The main objective of the MFG theory is the study of the limit behavior of Nash equilibria for symmetric differential games with a very large number of “small” players. In its simplest form, as the number of players tends to infinity, limits of Nash equilibria can be characterized in terms of the solution of a coupled system of a Hamilton-Jacobi and Fokker-Planck (or continuity) equations. The first equation describes the evolution of the value function of a typical agent, while the second one characterizes the evolution of the agents’ density. In the second part, I will introduce a variational MFG model, where we impose a density constraint. From the modeling point of view, imposing this new constraint means that we are aiming to avoid congestion among the agents. We will see that a weak solution of the system contains an extra term, an additional price imposed on the saturated zones. I will show that this price corresponds to the pressure field from the models of incompressible Euler equations à la Brenier. If time permits, I will discuss the regularity properties of the pressure variable, which allows us to write optimality conditions at the level of single-agent trajectories and to define a weak notion of Nash equilibrium for our model. The talk is based on a joint work with P. Cardaliaguet (Paris Dauphine) and F. Santambrogio (Paris-Sud, Orsay).

Two dimensional water waves in holomorphic coordinates


Mihaela Ifrim


UC Berkeley


Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 4:00pm




We consider this problem expressed in position-velocity potential holomorphic coordinates. We will explain the set up of the problem(s) and try to present the advantages of choosing such a framework.  Viewing this problem(s) as a quasilinear dispersive equation, we develop new methods which will be used to prove enhanced lifespan of solutions and also global solutions for small and localized data. The talk will try to be self contained.

Reactive Processes in Inhomogeneous Media


Andrej Zlatos


University of Wisconsin at Madison


Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm




We study fine details of spreading of reactive processes in multidimensional
inhomogeneous media. In the real world, one often observes a transition from one equilibrium (such as unburned areas in forest fires) to another (burned areas)to happen over short spatial as well as temporal distances. We demonstrate that this phenomenon also occurs in one of the simplest models of reactive processes, reaction-diffusion equations with ignition reaction functions, under very general hypotheses.

Specifically, in up to three spatial dimensions, the width (both in space and time) of the zone where the reaction occurs turns out to remain uniformly bounded in time for fairly general classes of initial data. This bound even becomes independent of the initial data and of the reaction function after an initial time interval. Such results have recently been obtained in one dimension, in which one can even completely characterize the long term dynamics of general solutions to the equation, but are new in dimensions two and three. An indication of the added difficulties is the fact that three dimensions turns out to indeed be the borderline case, as the bounded-width result is in fact false for general inhomogeneous media in four and more dimensions.

A Degenerate Isoperimetric Problem and its Relation to Traveling Waves for a Bi-Stable Hamiltonian System


Peter Sternberg


Indiana University


Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm




I will discuss a simple-looking isoperimetric problem for curves in the plane where length is measured with respect to a degenerate metric. One motivation for the study is that geodesics for this problem, appropriately parametrized, lead to traveling waves associated with a Hamiltonian system based on a bi-stable potential. This is joint work with Stan Alama, Lia Bronsard, Andres Contreras and Jiri Dadok.


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